Module org.eclipse.persistence.jpa
Class ORMetadata
- Direct Known Subclasses:
Abstract/common level for JPA Object/Relational metadata. This class handles
the merging and overriding details for those metadata objects who care about
it. For consistency, and ease of future work, all metadata objects added
should extend this class even though they may not currently have a need for
merging and overriding.
Subclasses that care about merging need to concern themselves with the
following methods:
- getIdentifier() used to compare two named objects.
- equals() used to compare if two objects have similar metadata.
- setLocation() must be set on the accessible object. From annotations this
is handled in the constructor. For XML objects you need to ensure their
init method or processing method sets the location (that is, a mapping
file) where the element was found.
- Since:
- EclipseLink 1.0
Field Summary
Fields -
Constructor Summary
INTERNAL: Used for defaulting case.ORMetadata
(String xmlElement) INTERNAL: Used for OX loading.protected
(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, MetadataProject project, Object location) INTERNAL: Used for defaulting.ORMetadata
(MetadataAnnotation annotation, MetadataAccessor accessor) INTERNAL: Used for annotation loading of metadata objects.ORMetadata
(MetadataAnnotation annotation, MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, MetadataProject project) INTERNAL: Used for annotation loading of class and mapping accessors.ORMetadata
(ORMetadata orm) INTERNAL: Used for annotation loading and switching from one metadata object to a more specific one. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract boolean
INTERNAL: For merging and overriding to work properly, all ORMetadata must be able to compare themselves for metadata equality.protected MetadataAccessibleObject
INTERNAL: Returns the accessible object for this accessor.INTERNAL: Returns the name of the accessible object.INTERNAL: This is a value is that is used when logging messages for overriding.protected String
(String type) INTERNAL: Quick lookup of a primitive boxed type.protected DatabaseType
(String type) Return the DataType enum constant for the String type name.INTERNAL:protected String
(String className) INTERNAL: Return the fully qualified className using the package (if any) setting from XML.protected String
INTERNAL: Sub classes that can uniquely be identified must override this method to allow the overriding and merging to uniquely identify objects.protected Class
<?> getJavaClass
(MetadataClass metadataClass) INTERNAL: Return the Java class for the metadata class using the metadata loader.getJavaClassName
(MetadataClass metadataClass) INTERNAL: Return the Java class name for the metadata class.INTERNAL: This method will return the current loader from the metadata factory used to created this ORMetadata.INTERNAL:INTERNAL: Return the metadata logger.getMetadataClass
(Class<?> javaClass) INTERNAL: Return the MetadataClass for the class.getMetadataClass
(String className) INTERNAL: Return the MetadataClass for the class name.getMetadataClass
(String className, boolean isLazy) INTERNAL: Return the MetadataClass for the class name.INTERNAL:protected String
INTERNAL: Helper method to return a field name from a candidate field name and a default field name.protected Class
<?> getPrimitiveClassForName
(String className) INTERNAL:INTERNAL: Return the MetadataProject.protected String
INTERNAL: Any ORMetadata that supported mixed types, that is, text or other metadata should override this method.protected String
INTERNAL: This is a value is that is used when logging messages for overriding.protected boolean
INTERNAL:protected boolean
INTERNAL: Any ORMetadata that supported mixed types, that is, text or other metadata should override this method.protected MetadataClass
(String className) INTERNAL: This method should only be called on those objects that were loaded from XML and that need to initialize a class name.void
(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, XMLEntityMappings entityMappings) INTERNAL: Any subclass that cares to do any more initialization (e.g.protected void
(ORMetadata metadata, MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject) INTERNAL:protected <T extends ORMetadata>
(List<T> metadatas, MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject) INTERNAL: It is assumed this is a list of ORMetadataprotected <T extends ORMetadata>
(List<T> metadatas) INTERNAL: This is to support legacy orm instance docs.boolean
INTERNAL: Note: That annotations can default so the annotation may be null.boolean
INTERNAL:protected void
(ORMetadata metadata) INTERNAL: Subclasses that care to handle deeper merges should extend this method.protected <T extends ORMetadata>
List<T> mergeORObjectLists
(List<T> list1, List<T> list2) INTERNAL: Convenience method to merge two lists of metadata objects.protected ORMetadata
(ORMetadata obj1, ORMetadata obj2) INTERNAL: Convenience method to merge two objects that were loaded from XML.protected Object
(Object obj1, Object obj2, ORMetadata otherMetadata, String xmlElement) INTERNAL: Convenience method to merge two objects that were loaded from XML.protected EntityAccessor
(EntityAccessor entity, MetadataDescriptor descriptor) INTERNAL: This method should be called to reload an entity (that was either loaded from XML or an annotation) as a way of cloning it.protected MappedSuperclassAccessor
(MappedSuperclassAccessor mappedSuperclass, MetadataDescriptor descriptor) INTERNAL: This method should be called to reload a mapped superclass (that was either loaded from XML or an annotation) as a way of cloning it.void
(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject) INTERNAL: Set the accessible object for this accessor.void
(XMLEntityMappings entityMappings) INTERNAL: Set the entity mappings (mapping file) for this OR object.protected void
(DatabaseField field, String name) INTERNAL: All field names should be set through this method to ensure delimited identifiers and upper casing defaults are set.protected void
(DatabaseField field, String defaultName, String context) INTERNAL: Go through this method if you can default a name.void
(MetadataProject project) INTERNAL: Set the metadata project.boolean
(ORMetadata existing) INTERNAL: Method to determine if this ORMetadata should override another.protected boolean
(Object value1, Object value2) INTERNAL:protected boolean
(List<Object> list1, List<Object> list2) INTERNAL: Two lists are the same if they are the same size and their ordered elements are the same.
Field Details
Constructor Details
protected ORMetadata()INTERNAL: Used for defaulting case. -
INTERNAL: Used for OX loading. -
protected ORMetadata(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, MetadataProject project, Object location) INTERNAL: Used for defaulting. At minimum, all metadata should have this information available to them at process time (to ensure no errors during processing). Depending on the metadata processing needs you can get away with not having them set, however, any dependencies on the loader, metadata logger or the metadata project etc. will require these. -
INTERNAL: Used for annotation loading of metadata objects. -
public ORMetadata(MetadataAnnotation annotation, MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, MetadataProject project) INTERNAL: Used for annotation loading of class and mapping accessors. -
INTERNAL: Used for annotation loading and switching from one metadata object to a more specific one.
Method Details
INTERNAL: For merging and overriding to work properly, all ORMetadata must be able to compare themselves for metadata equality. equals plays a big role in the shouldOverride() method from this class. -
INTERNAL: Returns the accessible object for this accessor. -
INTERNAL: Returns the name of the accessible object. If it is a field, it will return the field name. For a method it will return the method name. -
INTERNAL: This is a value is that is used when logging messages for overriding.- See Also:
INTERNAL: Quick lookup of a primitive boxed type. -
INTERNAL: This method will return the current loader from the metadata factory used to created this ORMetadata. -
Return the DataType enum constant for the String type name. If not a type defined by the enums, then return a record type. -
INTERNAL: Return the fully qualified className using the package (if any) setting from XML. -
INTERNAL: Sub classes that can uniquely be identified must override this method to allow the overriding and merging to uniquely identify objects. It will also be used when logging messages, that is, to provide a more detailed message.- See Also:
INTERNAL: Return the Java class for the metadata class using the metadata loader. Callers to this method should only do so when the application loader (from deploy) is available. This method should not be called with the temp loader, see getJavaClassName instead which will provide a valid string class name that can be initialized at runtime instead. -
INTERNAL: Return the Java class name for the metadata class. This is the class name name metadata processing should set on descriptors and mappings to be initialized during the convertClassNamesToClasses call at runtime. -
INTERNAL: Return the metadata logger. -
INTERNAL: Return the MetadataClass for the class. -
INTERNAL: Return the MetadataClass for the class name. -
INTERNAL: Return the MetadataClass for the class name. -
INTERNAL: Helper method to return a field name from a candidate field name and a default field name. Requires the context from where this method is called to output the correct logging message when defaulting the field name. In some cases, both the name and defaultName could be "" or null, therefore, don't log a message and return name. -
INTERNAL: Return the MetadataProject. -
INTERNAL: Any ORMetadata that supported mixed types, that is, text or other metadata should override this method. -
INTERNAL: This is a value is that is used when logging messages for overriding.- See Also:
protected boolean hasIdentifier()INTERNAL: -
protected boolean hasText()INTERNAL: Any ORMetadata that supported mixed types, that is, text or other metadata should override this method. -
INTERNAL: This method should only be called on those objects that were loaded from XML and that need to initialize a class name. The assumption here is that an entity mappings object will be available. -
public void initXMLObject(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, XMLEntityMappings entityMappings) INTERNAL: Any subclass that cares to do any more initialization (e.g. initialize a class) should override this method. -
protected <T extends ORMetadata> void initXMLObjects(List<T> metadatas, MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject) INTERNAL: It is assumed this is a list of ORMetadata -
INTERNAL: This is to support legacy orm instance docs. In some cases, previous simple text elements may have been changed to a list of ORMetadata through spec churn. (e.g.<convert>
). Method helps support backwards compatibility. If the text object is initialized the metadata list is set to null to ease further processing (logging, warnings, overrides etc.) -
public boolean loadedFromAnnotation()INTERNAL: Note: That annotations can default so the annotation may be null. -
public boolean loadedFromEclipseLinkXML()INTERNAL: -
public boolean loadedFromXML()INTERNAL: -
INTERNAL: Subclasses that care to handle deeper merges should extend this method. -
INTERNAL: Convenience method to merge two lists of metadata objects. This does not check for duplicates or any overrides at this time. Just appends all items from list2 to list1. -
INTERNAL: Convenience method to merge two objects that were loaded from XML. The merge is complete. If value2 is specified it will override value1, otherwise, value1 does not change. -
protected Object mergeSimpleObjects(Object obj1, Object obj2, ORMetadata otherMetadata, String xmlElement) INTERNAL: Convenience method to merge two objects that were loaded from XML. The merge is complete. If value2 is specified it will override value1, otherwise, value1 does not. -
INTERNAL: This method should be called to reload an entity (that was either loaded from XML or an annotation) as a way of cloning it. This is needed when we process TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance. We must process the parent classes for every subclasses descriptor. The processing is similar to that of processing a mapped superclass, in that we process the parents with the subclasses context (that is, the descriptor we are given). -
protected MappedSuperclassAccessor reloadMappedSuperclass(MappedSuperclassAccessor mappedSuperclass, MetadataDescriptor descriptor) INTERNAL: This method should be called to reload a mapped superclass (that was either loaded from XML or an annotation) as a way of cloning it. This is needed when processing TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance and when building individual entity accessor's mapped superclass list. -
INTERNAL: Set the accessible object for this accessor. -
INTERNAL: Set the entity mappings (mapping file) for this OR object. -
INTERNAL: All field names should be set through this method to ensure delimited identifiers and upper casing defaults are set. -
INTERNAL: Go through this method if you can default a name. Provide the defaulting context to log to the correct context message to the user. -
INTERNAL: Set the metadata project. -
INTERNAL: Method to determine if this ORMetadata should override another. Assumes all ORMetadata that call this method have correctly implemented their equals method. -
INTERNAL: Two lists are the same if they are the same size and their ordered elements are the same. -