All Implemented Interfaces:
AbstractQuery<T>, CommonAbstractCriteria, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CriteriaQueryImpl, SubQueryImpl

public abstract class AbstractQueryImpl<T> extends CommonAbstractCriteriaImpl<T> implements AbstractQuery<T>

Purpose: Contains the implementation of the AbstractQuery interface of the JPA criteria API.

Description: This is the container class for the components that define a query. This is the superclass of both the CriteriaQuery and the SubQuery.

EclipseLink 1.2
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • groupBy

      public AbstractQuery<T> groupBy(List<Expression<?>> grouping)
      Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the query results. Replaces the previous specified grouping expressions, if any. If no grouping expressions are specified, any previously added grouping expressions are simply removed.
      Specified by:
      groupBy in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      grouping - list of zero or more grouping expressions
      the modified query
    • groupBy

      public AbstractQuery<T> groupBy(Expression<?>... grouping)
      Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the query results. Replaces the previous specified grouping expressions, if any. If no grouping expressions are specified, any previously added grouping expressions are simply removed.
      Specified by:
      groupBy in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      grouping - zero or more grouping expressions
      the modified query
    • having

      public AbstractQuery<T> having(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
      Specify a restriction over the groups of the query. Replaces the previous having restriction(s), if any.
      Specified by:
      having in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      restriction - a simple or compound boolean expression
      the modified query
    • having

      public AbstractQuery<T> having(Predicate... restrictions)
      Specify restrictions over the groups of the query according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates. Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any. If no restrictions are specified, any previously added restrictions are simply removed.
      Specified by:
      having in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates
      the modified query
    • addJoin

      public abstract void addJoin(FromImpl join)
    • distinct

      public AbstractQuery<T> distinct(boolean distinct)
      Specify whether duplicate query results will be eliminated. A true value will cause duplicates to be eliminated. A false value will cause duplicates to be retained. If distinct has not been specified, duplicate results must be retained. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      distinct in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      distinct - boolean value specifying whether duplicate results must be eliminated from the query result or whether they must be retained
      the modified query.
    • getBaseExpression

      protected Expression getBaseExpression()
      Specified by:
      getBaseExpression in class CommonAbstractCriteriaImpl<T>
    • getBaseExpression

      protected Expression getBaseExpression(Root root)
    • getGroupList

      public List<Expression<?>> getGroupList()
      Return a list of the grouping expressions
      Specified by:
      getGroupList in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      the list of grouping expressions
    • getGroupRestriction

      public Predicate getGroupRestriction()
      Return the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items.
      Specified by:
      getGroupRestriction in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      having clause predicate
    • getRoots

      public Set<Root<?>> getRoots()
      Return the query roots.
      Specified by:
      getRoots in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      the set of query roots
    • integrateRoot

      protected void integrateRoot(RootImpl root)
      Description copied from class: CommonAbstractCriteriaImpl
      Used to use a root from a different query.
      Specified by:
      integrateRoot in class CommonAbstractCriteriaImpl<T>
    • isDistinct

      public boolean isDistinct()
      Return whether duplicate query results must be eliminated or retained.
      Specified by:
      isDistinct in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      boolean indicating whether duplicate query results must be eliminated
    • findJoins

      protected void findJoins(FromImpl root)
    • from

      public <X> Root<X> from(EntityType<X> entity)
      Add a query root corresponding to the given entity, forming a Cartesian product with any existing roots.
      Specified by:
      from in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      entity - metamodel entity representing the entity of type X
      query root corresponding to the given entity
    • from

      public <X> Root<X> from(Class<X> entityClass)
      Add a query root corresponding to the given entity, forming a Cartesian product with any existing roots.
      Specified by:
      from in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      entityClass - the entity class
      query root corresponding to the given entity
    • where

      public AbstractQuery<T> where(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
      Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the specified boolean expression. Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      where in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      where in class CommonAbstractCriteriaImpl<T>
      restriction - a simple or compound boolean expression
      the modified query
    • where

      public AbstractQuery<T> where(Predicate... restrictions)
      Modify the query to restrict the query result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates. Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any. If no restrictions are specified, any previously added restrictions are simply removed. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      where in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      where in class CommonAbstractCriteriaImpl<T>
      restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates
      the modified query