Class MappingsGenerator


public class MappingsGenerator extends Object

Purpose:To generate a TopLink OXM Project based on Java Class and TypeInfo information


  • Generate a XMLDescriptor for each TypeInfo object
  • Generate a mapping for each TypeProperty object
  • Determine the correct mapping type based on the type of each property
  • Set up Converters on mappings for XmlAdapters or JDK 1.5 Enumeration types.

This class is invoked by a Generator in order to create a TopLink Project. This is generally used by JAXBContextFactory to create the runtime project. A Descriptor will be generated for each TypeInfo and Mappings generated for each Property. In the case that a non-transient property's type is a user defined class, a Descriptor and Mappings will be generated for that class as well.

Oracle TopLink
See Also: