All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeFieldMetaData, RecordMetaData

public interface CompositeObject
Purpose: This interface defines api for composite fields/records. It exists so that a composite object can be referred to generically within the parser.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      this method returns the name of the object
    • getFields

      Vector<FieldMetaData> getFields()
      this method returns a Vector of fields that the object contains
    • setFields

      void setFields(Vector<FieldMetaData> fields)
      this method sets the fields to the new values
    • addField

      void addField(FieldMetaData field)
      this method adds a field to the fields Vector
    • getFieldNamed

      FieldMetaData getFieldNamed(String fieldName)
      this method returns a field, if such a field exists, by the given name