Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.eis.cobol

package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.eis.cobol
  • Class
    This is for exceptions encountered while extracting or inserting data in byte arrays.
    Purpose: to allow on demand conversions of fields which are redefined.
    Purpose: This class extends database row to allow for CobolRedefinedFieldValue use as a value and for on-demand value extraction.
    Purpose: This class represents metadata for composite fields.
    Purpose: This interface defines api for composite fields/records.
    Purpose: This class creates all exceptions for the copy book parser
    Purpose: This class is a parser for Cobol Copy books.
    Purpose: This class defines the FieldMetaData interface it defines various behavior associated with a field and stores meta-information about the field.
    Purpose: This interface defines behavior for a field meta data be they elementary or composite.
    Purpose: This class contains meta information for a record.