Package commonj.sdo

Interface DataObject

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
OpenSequencedTypeImpl, SDODataObject, SDOPropertyType.PropertyImpl, SDOTypeType.TypeImpl, SDOWrapperType.BooleanObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.BooleanWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.ByteObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.Bytes_hexBunaryWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.BytesWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.ByteWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.CharacterObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.CharacterWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DateTimeWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DateWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DayWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DecimalWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DoubleObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DoubleWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.DurationWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.FloatObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.FloatWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.IntegerWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.IntObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.IntWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.LongObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.LongWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.MonthDayWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.MonthWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.ObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.ShortObjectWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.ShortWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.StringsWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.StringWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.TimeWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.URI_QNameWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.URIWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.YearMonthDayWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.YearMonthWrapperImpl, SDOWrapperType.YearWrapperImpl

public interface DataObject extends Serializable
A data object is a representation of some structured data. It is the fundamental component in the SDO (Service Data Objects) package. Data objects support reflection, path-based accesss, convenience creation and deletion methods, and the ability to be part of a data graph.

Each data object holds its data as a series of Properties. Properties can be accessed by name, property index, or using the property meta object itself. A data object can also contain references to other data objects, through reference-type Properties.

A data object has a series of convenience accessors for its Properties. These methods either use a path (String), a property index, or the property's meta object itself, to identify the property. Some examples of the path-based accessors are as follows:

 DataObject company = ...;
 company.get("name");                   is the same as company.get(company.getType().getProperty("name"))
 company.set("name", "acme");
 company.get("department.0/name")       is the same as ((DataObject)((List)company.get("department")).get(0)).get("name")
                                        .n  indexes from 0 ... implies the name property of the first department
 company.get("department[1]/name")      [] indexes from 1 ... implies the name property of the first department
 company.get("department[number=123]")  returns the first department where number=123
 company.get("..")                      returns the containing data object
 company.get("/")                       returns the root containing data object

There are general accessors for Properties, i.e., get and set, as well as specific accessors for the primitive types and commonly used data types like String, Date, List, BigInteger, and BigDecimal.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createDataObject(int propertyIndex)
    Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property.
    createDataObject(int propertyIndex, String namespaceURI, String typeName)
    Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property.
    Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property.
    createDataObject(Property property, Type type)
    Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be of containment type.
    createDataObject(String propertyName)
    Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property.
    createDataObject(String propertyName, String namespaceURI, String typeName)
    Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property.
    Remove this object from its container and then unset all its non-readOnly Properties.
    Removes this DataObject from its container, if any.
    get(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type.
    get(Property property)
    Returns the value of the given property of this object.
    get(String path)
    Returns the value of a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path.
    getBigDecimal(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified property index.
    Returns the value of the specified BigDecimal property.
    Returns the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified path.
    getBigInteger(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified property index.
    Returns the value of the specified BigInteger property.
    Returns the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified path.
    getBoolean(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a boolean property identified by the specified property index.
    getBoolean(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified boolean property.
    Returns the value of a boolean property identified by the specified path.
    getByte(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a byte property identified by the specified property index.
    getByte(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified byte property.
    Returns the value of a byte property identified by the specified path.
    getBytes(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified property index.
    getBytes(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified byte[] property.
    Returns the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified path.
    Returns the ChangeSummary with scope covering this dataObject, or null if there is no ChangeSummary.
    getChar(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a char property identified by the specified property index.
    getChar(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified char property.
    Returns the value of a char property identified by the specified path.
    Returns the containing data object or null if there is no container.
    Return the Property of the data object containing this data object or null if there is no container.
    getDataObject(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified property index.
    Returns the value of the specified DataObject property.
    Returns the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified path.
    getDate(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a Date property identified by the specified property index.
    getDate(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified Date property.
    Returns the value of a Date property identified by the specified path.
    getDouble(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a double property identified by the specified property index.
    getDouble(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified double property.
    Returns the value of a double property identified by the specified path.
    getFloat(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a float property identified by the specified property index.
    getFloat(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified float property.
    Returns the value of a float property identified by the specified path.
    Returns a read-only List of the Properties currently used in this DataObject.
    Returns the named Property from the current instance properties, or null if not found.
    getInt(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a int property identified by the specified property index.
    getInt(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified int property.
    getInt(String path)
    Returns the value of a int property identified by the specified path.
    getList(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a List property identified by the specified property index.
    getList(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified List property.
    Returns the value of a List property identified by the specified path.
    getLong(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a long property identified by the specified property index.
    getLong(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified long property.
    Returns the value of a long property identified by the specified path.
    getProperty(String propertyName)
    replaced by getInstanceProperty(String) in 2.1.0
    Returns the root data object.
    Returns the Sequence for this DataObject.
    getSequence(int propertyIndex)
    in 2.1.0.
    in 2.1.0.
    in 2.1.0.
    getShort(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a short property identified by the specified property index.
    getShort(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified short property.
    Returns the value of a short property identified by the specified path.
    getString(int propertyIndex)
    Returns the value of a String property identified by the specified property index.
    getString(Property property)
    Returns the value of the specified String property.
    Returns the value of a String property identified by the specified path.
    Returns the data object's type.
    isSet(int propertyIndex)
    Returns whether the the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type, is considered to be set.
    isSet(Property property)
    Returns whether the property of the object is considered to be set.
    isSet(String path)
    Returns whether a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path, is considered to be set.
    set(int propertyIndex, Object value)
    Sets the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type, to the specified value.
    set(Property property, Object value)
    Sets the value of the given property of the object to the new value.
    set(String path, Object value)
    Sets a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setBigDecimal(int propertyIndex, BigDecimal value)
    Sets the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setBigDecimal(Property property, BigDecimal value)
    Sets the value of the specified BigDecimal property, to the specified value.
    Sets the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setBigInteger(int propertyIndex, BigInteger value)
    Sets the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setBigInteger(Property property, BigInteger value)
    Sets the value of the specified BigInteger property, to the specified value.
    Sets the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setBoolean(int propertyIndex, boolean value)
    Sets the value of a boolean property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setBoolean(Property property, boolean value)
    Sets the value of the specified boolean property, to the specified value.
    setBoolean(String path, boolean value)
    Sets the value of a boolean property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setByte(int propertyIndex, byte value)
    Sets the value of a byte property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setByte(Property property, byte value)
    Sets the value of the specified byte property, to the specified value.
    setByte(String path, byte value)
    Sets the value of a byte property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setBytes(int propertyIndex, byte[] value)
    Sets the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setBytes(Property property, byte[] value)
    Sets the value of the specified byte[] property, to the specified value.
    setBytes(String path, byte[] value)
    Sets the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setChar(int propertyIndex, char value)
    Sets the value of a char property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setChar(Property property, char value)
    Sets the value of the specified char property, to the specified value.
    setChar(String path, char value)
    Sets the value of a char property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setDataObject(int propertyIndex, DataObject value)
    Sets the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setDataObject(Property property, DataObject value)
    Sets the value of the specified DataObject property, to the specified value.
    Sets the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setDate(int propertyIndex, Date value)
    Sets the value of a Date property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setDate(Property property, Date value)
    Sets the value of the specified Date property, to the specified value.
    setDate(String path, Date value)
    Sets the value of a Date property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setDouble(int propertyIndex, double value)
    Sets the value of a double property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setDouble(Property property, double value)
    Sets the value of the specified double property, to the specified value.
    setDouble(String path, double value)
    Sets the value of a double property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setFloat(int propertyIndex, float value)
    Sets the value of a float property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setFloat(Property property, float value)
    Sets the value of the specified float property, to the specified value.
    setFloat(String path, float value)
    Sets the value of a float property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setInt(int propertyIndex, int value)
    Sets the value of a int property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setInt(Property property, int value)
    Sets the value of the specified int property, to the specified value.
    setInt(String path, int value)
    Sets the value of a int property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setList(int propertyIndex, List value)
    Sets the value of a List property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setList(Property property, List value)
    Sets the value of the specified List property, to the specified value.
    setList(String path, List value)
    Sets the value of a List property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setLong(int propertyIndex, long value)
    Sets the value of a long property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setLong(Property property, long value)
    Sets the value of the specified long property, to the specified value.
    setLong(String path, long value)
    Sets the value of a long property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setShort(int propertyIndex, short value)
    Sets the value of a short property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setShort(Property property, short value)
    Sets the value of the specified short property, to the specified value.
    setShort(String path, short value)
    Sets the value of a short property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    setString(int propertyIndex, String value)
    Sets the value of a String property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
    setString(Property property, String value)
    Sets the value of the specified String property, to the specified value.
    setString(String path, String value)
    Sets the value of a String property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
    unset(int propertyIndex)
    Unsets the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type.
    unset(Property property)
    Unsets the property of the object.
    unset(String path)
    Unsets a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path.
  • Method Details

    • get

      Object get(String path)
      Returns the value of a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • set

      void set(String path, Object value)
      Sets a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • isSet

      boolean isSet(String path)
      Returns whether a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path, is considered to be set.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      See Also:
    • unset

      void unset(String path)
      Unsets a property of either this object or an object reachable from it, as identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      See Also:
    • getBoolean

      boolean getBoolean(String path)
      Returns the value of a boolean property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the boolean value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getByte

      byte getByte(String path)
      Returns the value of a byte property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the byte value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getChar

      char getChar(String path)
      Returns the value of a char property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the char value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDouble

      double getDouble(String path)
      Returns the value of a double property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the double value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getFloat

      float getFloat(String path)
      Returns the value of a float property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the float value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getInt

      int getInt(String path)
      Returns the value of a int property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the int value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getLong

      long getLong(String path)
      Returns the value of a long property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the long value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getShort

      short getShort(String path)
      Returns the value of a short property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the short value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBytes

      byte[] getBytes(String path)
      Returns the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the byte[] value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBigDecimal

      BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String path)
      Returns the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the BigDecimal value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBigInteger

      BigInteger getBigInteger(String path)
      Returns the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the BigInteger value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDataObject

      DataObject getDataObject(String path)
      Returns the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the DataObject value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      Date getDate(String path)
      Returns the value of a Date property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the Date value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getString

      String getString(String path)
      Returns the value of a String property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the String value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getList

      List getList(String path)
      Returns the value of a List property identified by the specified path.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the List value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getSequence

      Sequence getSequence(String path)
      in 2.1.0.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      the Sequence value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • setBoolean

      void setBoolean(String path, boolean value)
      Sets the value of a boolean property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setByte

      void setByte(String path, byte value)
      Sets the value of a byte property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setChar

      void setChar(String path, char value)
      Sets the value of a char property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDouble

      void setDouble(String path, double value)
      Sets the value of a double property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setFloat

      void setFloat(String path, float value)
      Sets the value of a float property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setInt

      void setInt(String path, int value)
      Sets the value of a int property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setLong

      void setLong(String path, long value)
      Sets the value of a long property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setShort

      void setShort(String path, short value)
      Sets the value of a short property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBytes

      void setBytes(String path, byte[] value)
      Sets the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBigDecimal

      void setBigDecimal(String path, BigDecimal value)
      Sets the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBigInteger

      void setBigInteger(String path, BigInteger value)
      Sets the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDataObject

      void setDataObject(String path, DataObject value)
      Sets the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDate

      void setDate(String path, Date value)
      Sets the value of a Date property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setString

      void setString(String path, String value)
      Sets the value of a String property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setList

      void setList(String path, List value)
      Sets the value of a List property identified by the specified path, to the specified value.
      path - the path to a valid object and property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • get

      Object get(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • set

      void set(int propertyIndex, Object value)
      Sets the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • isSet

      boolean isSet(int propertyIndex)
      Returns whether the the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type, is considered to be set.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      whether the specified property is set.
      See Also:
    • unset

      void unset(int propertyIndex)
      Unsets the property at the specified index in property list of this object's type.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      See Also:
    • getBoolean

      boolean getBoolean(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a boolean property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the boolean value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getByte

      byte getByte(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a byte property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the byte value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getChar

      char getChar(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a char property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the char value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDouble

      double getDouble(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a double property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the double value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getFloat

      float getFloat(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a float property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the float value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getInt

      int getInt(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a int property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the int value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getLong

      long getLong(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a long property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the long value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getShort

      short getShort(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a short property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the short value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBytes

      byte[] getBytes(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the byte[] value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBigDecimal

      BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the BigDecimal value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBigInteger

      BigInteger getBigInteger(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the BigInteger value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDataObject

      DataObject getDataObject(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the DataObject value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      Date getDate(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a Date property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the Date value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getString

      String getString(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a String property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the String value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getList

      List getList(int propertyIndex)
      Returns the value of a List property identified by the specified property index.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the List value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getSequence

      Sequence getSequence(int propertyIndex)
      in 2.1.0.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      the Sequence value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • setBoolean

      void setBoolean(int propertyIndex, boolean value)
      Sets the value of a boolean property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setByte

      void setByte(int propertyIndex, byte value)
      Sets the value of a byte property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setChar

      void setChar(int propertyIndex, char value)
      Sets the value of a char property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDouble

      void setDouble(int propertyIndex, double value)
      Sets the value of a double property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setFloat

      void setFloat(int propertyIndex, float value)
      Sets the value of a float property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setInt

      void setInt(int propertyIndex, int value)
      Sets the value of a int property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setLong

      void setLong(int propertyIndex, long value)
      Sets the value of a long property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setShort

      void setShort(int propertyIndex, short value)
      Sets the value of a short property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBytes

      void setBytes(int propertyIndex, byte[] value)
      Sets the value of a byte[] property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBigDecimal

      void setBigDecimal(int propertyIndex, BigDecimal value)
      Sets the value of a BigDecimal property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBigInteger

      void setBigInteger(int propertyIndex, BigInteger value)
      Sets the value of a BigInteger property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDataObject

      void setDataObject(int propertyIndex, DataObject value)
      Sets the value of a DataObject property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDate

      void setDate(int propertyIndex, Date value)
      Sets the value of a Date property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setString

      void setString(int propertyIndex, String value)
      Sets the value of a String property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setList

      void setList(int propertyIndex, List value)
      Sets the value of a List property identified by the specified property index, to the specified value.
      propertyIndex - the index of the property.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • get

      Object get(Property property)
      Returns the value of the given property of this object.

      If the property is many-valued, the result will be a List and each object in the List will be an instance of the property's type. Otherwise the result will directly be an instance of the property's type.

      property - the property of the value to fetch.
      the value of the given property of the object.
      See Also:
    • set

      void set(Property property, Object value)
      Sets the value of the given property of the object to the new value.

      If the property is many-valued, the new value must be a List and each object in that list must be an instance of the property's type; the existing contents are cleared and the contents of the new value are added. Otherwise the new value directly must be an instance of the property's type and it becomes the new value of the property of the object.

      property - the property of the value to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • isSet

      boolean isSet(Property property)
      Returns whether the property of the object is considered to be set.

      isSet() for many-valued Properties returns true if the List is not empty and false if the List is empty. For single-valued Properties it returns true if the Property has been set() and not unset(), and false otherwise. Any call to set() without a call to unset() will cause isSet() to return true, regardless of the value being set. For example, after calling set(property, property.getDefault()) on a previously unset property, isSet(property) will return true, even though the value of get(property) will be unchanged.

      property - the property in question.
      whether the property of the object is set.
      See Also:
    • unset

      void unset(Property property)
      Unsets the property of the object.

      If the property is many-valued, the value must be an List and that list is cleared. Otherwise, the value of the property of the object is set to the property's default value. The property will no longer be considered set.

      property - the property in question.
      See Also:
    • getBoolean

      boolean getBoolean(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified boolean property.
      property - the property to get.
      the boolean value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getByte

      byte getByte(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified byte property.
      property - the property to get.
      the byte value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getChar

      char getChar(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified char property.
      property - the property to get.
      the char value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDouble

      double getDouble(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified double property.
      property - the property to get.
      the double value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getFloat

      float getFloat(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified float property.
      property - the property to get.
      the float value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getInt

      int getInt(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified int property.
      property - the property to get.
      the int value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getLong

      long getLong(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified long property.
      property - the property to get.
      the long value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getShort

      short getShort(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified short property.
      property - the property to get.
      the short value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBytes

      byte[] getBytes(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified byte[] property.
      property - the property to get.
      the byte[] value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBigDecimal

      BigDecimal getBigDecimal(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified BigDecimal property.
      property - the property to get.
      the BigDecimal value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getBigInteger

      BigInteger getBigInteger(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified BigInteger property.
      property - the property to get.
      the BigInteger value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDataObject

      DataObject getDataObject(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified DataObject property.
      property - the property to get.
      the DataObject value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      Date getDate(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified Date property.
      property - the property to get.
      the Date value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getString

      String getString(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified String property.
      property - the property to get.
      the String value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getList

      List getList(Property property)
      Returns the value of the specified List property. The List returned contains the current values. Updates through the List interface operate on the current values of the DataObject. Each access returns the same List object.
      property - the property to get.
      the List value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • getSequence

      Sequence getSequence(Property property)
      in 2.1.0.
      property - the property to get.
      the Sequence value of the specified property.
      See Also:
    • setBoolean

      void setBoolean(Property property, boolean value)
      Sets the value of the specified boolean property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setByte

      void setByte(Property property, byte value)
      Sets the value of the specified byte property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setChar

      void setChar(Property property, char value)
      Sets the value of the specified char property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDouble

      void setDouble(Property property, double value)
      Sets the value of the specified double property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setFloat

      void setFloat(Property property, float value)
      Sets the value of the specified float property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setInt

      void setInt(Property property, int value)
      Sets the value of the specified int property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setLong

      void setLong(Property property, long value)
      Sets the value of the specified long property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setShort

      void setShort(Property property, short value)
      Sets the value of the specified short property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBytes

      void setBytes(Property property, byte[] value)
      Sets the value of the specified byte[] property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBigDecimal

      void setBigDecimal(Property property, BigDecimal value)
      Sets the value of the specified BigDecimal property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setBigInteger

      void setBigInteger(Property property, BigInteger value)
      Sets the value of the specified BigInteger property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDataObject

      void setDataObject(Property property, DataObject value)
      Sets the value of the specified DataObject property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setDate

      void setDate(Property property, Date value)
      Sets the value of the specified Date property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setString

      void setString(Property property, String value)
      Sets the value of the specified String property, to the specified value.
      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • setList

      void setList(Property property, List value)
      Sets the value of the specified List property, to the specified value.

      The new value must be a List and each object in that list must be an instance of the property's type; the existing contents are cleared and the contents of the new value are added.

      property - the property to set.
      value - the new value for the property.
      See Also:
    • createDataObject

      DataObject createDataObject(String propertyName)
      Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property. The type of the created object is the declared type of the specified property.
      propertyName - the name of the specified containment property.
      the created data object.
      See Also:
    • createDataObject

      DataObject createDataObject(int propertyIndex)
      Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property. The type of the created object is the declared type of the specified property.
      propertyIndex - the index of the specified containment property.
      the created data object.
      See Also:
    • createDataObject

      DataObject createDataObject(Property property)
      Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property. The type of the created object is the declared type of the specified property.
      property - the specified containment property.
      the created data object.
      See Also:
    • createDataObject

      DataObject createDataObject(String propertyName, String namespaceURI, String typeName)
      Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property. The type of the created object is specified by the packageURI and typeName arguments. The specified type must be a compatible target for the property identified by propertyName.
      propertyName - the name of the specified containment property.
      namespaceURI - the namespace URI of the package containing the type of object to be created.
      typeName - the name of a type in the specified package.
      the created data object.
      See Also:
    • createDataObject

      DataObject createDataObject(int propertyIndex, String namespaceURI, String typeName)
      Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be a containment property. The type of the created object is specified by the packageURI and typeName arguments. The specified type must be a compatible target for the property identified by propertyIndex.
      propertyIndex - the index of the specified containment property.
      namespaceURI - the namespace URI of the package containing the type of object to be created.
      typeName - the name of a type in the specified package.
      the created data object.
      See Also:
    • createDataObject

      DataObject createDataObject(Property property, Type type)
      Returns a new data object contained by this object using the specified property, which must be of containment type. The type of the created object is specified by the type argument, which must be a compatible target for the speicifed property.
      property - a containment property of this object.
      type - the type of object to be created.
      the created data object.
      See Also:
    • delete

      void delete()
      Remove this object from its container and then unset all its non-readOnly Properties. If this object is contained by a readOnly containment property, its non-readOnly Properties will be unset but the object will not be removed from its container. All DataObjects recursively contained by containment Properties will also be deleted.
    • getContainer

      DataObject getContainer()
      Returns the containing data object or null if there is no container.
      the containing data object or null.
    • getContainmentProperty

      Property getContainmentProperty()
      Return the Property of the data object containing this data object or null if there is no container.
      the property containing this data object.
    • getDataGraph

      DataGraph getDataGraph()
      Returns the data graph for this object or null if there isn't one.
      the containing data graph or null.
    • getType

      Type getType()
      Returns the data object's type.

      The type defines the Properties available for reflective access.

      the type.
    • getSequence

      Sequence getSequence()
      Returns the Sequence for this DataObject. When getType().isSequencedType() == true, the Sequence of a DataObject corresponds to the XML elements representing the values of its Properties. Updates through DataObject and the Lists or Sequences returned from DataObject operate on the same data. When getType().isSequencedType() == false, null is returned.
      the Sequence or null.
    • getInstanceProperties

      List getInstanceProperties()
      Returns a read-only List of the Properties currently used in this DataObject. This list will contain all of the Properties in getType().getProperties() and any Properties where isSet(property) is true. For example, Properties resulting from the use of open or mixed XML content are present if allowed by the Type. the List does not contain duplicates. The order of the Properties in the List begins with getType().getProperties() and the order of the remaining Properties is determined by the implementation. The same list will be returned unless the DataObject is updated so that the contents of the List change.
      the List of Properties currently used in this DataObject.
    • getInstanceProperty

      Property getInstanceProperty(String propertyName)
      Returns the named Property from the current instance properties, or null if not found. The instance properties are getInstanceProperties().
      propertyName - the name of the Property
      the named Property from the DataObject's current instance properties, or null.
    • getProperty

      Property getProperty(String propertyName)
      replaced by getInstanceProperty(String) in 2.1.0
    • getRootObject

      DataObject getRootObject()
      Returns the root data object.
      the root data object.
    • getChangeSummary

      ChangeSummary getChangeSummary()
      Returns the ChangeSummary with scope covering this dataObject, or null if there is no ChangeSummary.
      the ChangeSummary with scope covering this dataObject, or null.
    • detach

      void detach()
      Removes this DataObject from its container, if any. Same as getContainer().getList(getContainmentProperty()).remove(this) or getContainer().unset(getContainmentProperty()) depending on getContainmentProperty().isMany() respectively.