Developing JAXB Applications Using EclipseLink MOXy, Release 2.5
List of Examples
2-1 JAXBContext Methods
2-2 Sample jaxb.index File
2-3 Sample ObjectFactory
2-4 Sample Metadata Source
2-5 Using an EclipseLink Bindings Document
2-6 Sample Java Class
2-7 Using an XML Bindings Document
2-8 Sample Application Code
2-9 Sample Bindings Document
2-10 Sample JAXB Domain Class and XML
2-11 Customized XML Bindings
2-12 Providing Bindings
2-13 Using a List of XML Bindings:
2-14 Using a Map for multiple packages:
2-15 Sample Customer Class
2-16 XML Bindings
2-17 XML Representation
2-18 XML Bindings (with xml-accessor-type="NONE")
2-19 XML Representation
2-20 Implementing the XMlBindings Method
2-21 Sample XmlBindings Object
2-22 Adding MetadataSource to the Properties Map
2-23 Sample XmlBindings Object
2-24 Sample XmlBindings Object
2-25 Sample XML Schema
2-26 Sample Customer Class
2-27 Sample ValidationEventHandler
2-28 Sample Java Code
2-29 Sample Event Listener
2-30 Logging with the Listener Class
2-31 Using a Binder
3-1 Sample XML Schema
3-2 Using the @XmlRootElement Annotation
3-3 Specifying a Default Root Element
3-4 Using Annotations
3-5 Using OXM Metadata
3-6 Using Annotations
3-7 Using OXM Metadata
3-8 Using Annotations
3-9 Using XML Bindings File
3-10 Overriding the Namespace
3-11 Sample Bindings File
3-12 Sample Java Classes
3-13 Using @XmlRootElement Annotation
3-14 Using the @XmlDiscriminatorNode and @XmlDiscriminatorValue Annotations
4-1 Sample XML Schema
4-2 Using the @XmlAttribute Annotation
4-3 Defining the Mapping
4-4 Sample XML Schema
4-5 Using the @XmlElement Annotation
4-6 Using the name Attribute
4-7 Sample XML Schema
4-8 Using the @XmlPath Annotation
4-9 Using the xml-path Attribute
4-10 Sample XML Schema
4-11 Using the @XmlPath Annotation
4-12 Defining the Mapping
4-13 Sample XML Schema
4-14 Using the @XmlValue Annotation
4-15 Defining the Mapping
4-16 Sample XML Schema
4-17 Using the @XmlSchemaType Annotation
4-18 Defining the Mapping
4-19 Sample XML Schema
4-20 Using the @XmlSchemaType and @XmlJavaTypeAdapter Annotations
4-21 Defining the Mapping
4-22 Sample XML Schema
4-23 Sample Mapping
4-24 Sample XML Mapping
4-25 Sample XML Schema
4-26 Using the @XmlElement Annotation
4-27 Sample XML Mapping
4-28 Sample XML Schema
4-29 Using the @XmlElementWrapper Annotation
4-30 Sample XML Mapping
4-31 Sample XML Schema
4-32 Using the @XmlList Annotation
4-33 Sample XML Mapping
4-34 Java Annotations
4-35 EclipseLink OXM Metadata
4-36 Example XML Documents
4-37 Sample Java Class
4-38 Sample XML Schema
4-39 Resulting XML
4-40 Sample XML Schema
4-41 Using the @XmlEnum Annotation
4-42 Sample XML Mapping
4-43 Sample XML Schema
4-44 Using the @XmlEnumValue Annotation
4-45 Sample XML Mapping
5-1 Sample XML Schema
5-2 Sample Customer Class
5-3 Using java.util.Date
5-4 XML Schema Union
5-5 Using an EclipseLink Customizer
5-6 Mapping a Union Field
5-7 Annotations
5-8 EclipseLink OXM
5-9 Output
5-10 Using byte[] and Byte[]
5-11 Output
5-12 Sample Java Class
5-13 Resulting XML
5-14 Using the @XmlInlineBinaryData Annotation
5-15 Using the @XmlMimeType Annotation
6-1 Sample XML Mapping
6-2 Sample XML Schema
6-3 Using the @XmlElement Annotation
6-4 Sample XML Mapping
6-5 Using the @XmlPath Annotation
6-6 Using EclipseLink XML Bindings
6-7 Using the @XmlPath Annotation
6-8 Sample XML Mapping
6-9 Using the @XmlElement Annotation
6-10 Sample XML Mapping
6-11 Using the @XmlElementWrapper Annotation
7-1 Using the @XmlID and @XmlIDREF Annotations
7-2 Sample XML Mapping
7-3 Using the @XmlList Annotation
7-4 Sample Embedded ID
7-5 Using the @XmlCustomizer Annotation
7-6 Changing the XPath
7-7 Using the @XmlTransient Annotation
7-8 Using the @XmlKey and @XmlJoinNodes Annotations
7-9 Sample XML Mapping
7-10 Using the @XMlInverseReference Annotation
7-11 Sample XML Mapping
8-1 Refreshing Metadata
8-2 Using an XMLNameTransformer
8-3 Customer
8-5 Using Java Annotations
8-6 Using OXM Metadata
8-7 The virtualprops-oxm.xml File
8-8 Marking the Map Attribute
8-9 Using Alternate Accessor Methods
8-10 Using the xml-virtual-access-methods Element
8-11 Mapping as Individual Nodes
8-12 Original Customer Schema
8-13 Generated Schema (After adding middle-initial and phone-number)
8-14 Using an <any> Element
8-15 Generated Schema
8-16 Sample ExtensibleBase
8-17 Customer
8-18 Address
8-19 PhoneNumber
8-20 binding-tenant1.xml
8-21 Output
8-22 binding-tenant2.xml
8-23 Output
8-24 Sample Java Code and XML Schema
8-25 Sample Java Code and XML Schema
8-26 Using the @XmlType(propOrder) Annotation
8-27 Using the prop-order Attribute
8-28 Resulting XML
8-29 Sample XML Schema
8-30 Sample Mappings
8-31 Self Mapping Example
8-32 XmlAdapter Class Outline
8-33 Sample Domain Class
8-34 Using an Adapter
8-35 Using the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter Annotation
8-36 Using java.awt.Point
8-37 Using the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter Annotation
8-38 Mapping Example
8-39 Sample AttributeTransfomer
8-40 First Write Transformer
8-41 Second Write Transformer
8-42 Sample eclipselink-oxm.xml File
9-1 Sample Java Class
9-2 Marshalling and Unmarshalling Example
9-3 Marshalling and Unmarshalling Example
9-4 Creating a DynamicJAXBContext
9-5 Sample XML Schema
9-6 Sample Application Code
9-7 Sample XML Schema
9-8 Sample Application Code
9-9 custom1.xjb File
9-10 Bootstrapping Example
9-11 Creating a DynamicJAXBContext
9-12 Sample XML Schema
9-13 Sample Application Code
10-1 Marshalling and Unmarshalling
10-2 Using a Map
10-3 Using MarshallerProperties and UnarshallerProperties
10-4 Using Basic JSON Binding
10-5 Using External Bindings
10-6 Using JSON to Bootstrap a JAXBContext
10-7 Using JSON Data Types
10-8 Using a Prefix
10-9 Setting a Prefix in a Map
10-10 Marshalling no Root Element Documents
10-11 Unmarshalling no Root Element Documents
10-12 Using Namesapces
10-14 Using @XmlAttributes
10-15 Using a value Wrapper
10-17 Using a Map
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