Developing JAXB Applications Using EclipseLink MOXy, Release 2.5
List of Figures
1-1 Sample JAXB Architecture
3-1 Sample Mapped Classes
4-1 XML Direct Mapping to an Attribute
4-2 XML Direct Mapping to Individual Text Nodes
4-3 XML Direct Mapping to a Text Element in a Subnode
4-4 XML Direct Mapping to a Text Node
4-5 XML Direct Mapping to a Simple Text Node
4-6 XML Direct Mapping to a Specific Schema Type
4-7 XML Direct Mappings to Different Text Nodes of Different Binary Types
4-8 Sample Java Class
4-9 XML Direct Mapping with Simple Type Translator
4-10 XML Direct Collection Mapping to Text Nodes
4-11 XML Direct Collection Mapping to Text Nodes with a Grouping Element
4-12 XML Direct Mapping to a List Field
5-1 Mapping to a Union Field
5-2 Mapping to a Union Field in an XML Document
5-3 Mapping to a Union Field
6-1 One-to-one Relationship
6-2 One-to-many Relationship
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