Below is a list of institutions that use one or more components of Epsilon (e.g. EGL, Eugenia) as part of their modelling/MDE courses. If you'd like to report additional uses of Epsilon in taught courses or you've spotted any outdated content, please let us know.

University of York [1], University of Texas [1], University of Oslo [1], Universidad Autonoma de Madrid [1], McGill University [1], University of Kassel [1], University of Marburg [1], Technische Universiteit Eindhoven [1], Universitea Babes-Bolyai [1], Universidad de los Andes [1], Budapest University of Technology and Economics [1], Technical University of Dresden [1], University of Southern Denmark [1], Norwegian University of Science and Technology [1], University of Cadiz [1], McMaster University [1], University of Edinburgh [1], Antwerp University [1], King's College London [1]