Equinox Incubator - Console supportability
This incubator project aims at providing supportability features for the Equinox console. It is part of the initiative to separate the console from the Framework and use the Gogo shell as a console in Equinox.
The Apache Felix Gogo provides a reference implementation of RFC 147 specification for Command line interface. The incubator project builds on top of the Gogo shell to provide additional functionality. It contains the well known Equinox commands, migrated to the RFC 147 commands standard, and an adapter for the legacy Equinox-type commands. It provides telnet access to the shell. Adding ssh access to the shell is an ongoing task. It is also planned to provide command completion functionality.
Here is some user and design documentation to get you started.
The Server-side incubator uses the main incubator resources with the following refinements.
CVS | See the projects in the "console" folder of the normal Equinox Incubator CVS repository. |
- Lazar Kirchev (SAP)