License year update
The source files in the Eclipse ESCET toolset contain license headers. The current year is part of that license header. Therefore, at the beginning of each new year, the license headers need to be updated.
To update the license year:
Update the desired license-header regular expression in
. -
Change the year in the source file headers, where
is the previous year,yyyy
is the new year, andzzzz
the year after that:-
In Eclipse, select
. -
For Containg text enter:
([0-9]{4}), xxxx Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
. -
Enable Regular expression and disable Case sensitive.
For File name patterns enter
. -
For Scope select Workspace.
Click Replace… and wait for the Replace Text Matches window to appear.
For With enter:
$1, yyyy Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
. -
Click OK.
If problems are found, review them and click Continue.
Again select
. -
For Containg text enter:
xxxx Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
. -
Click Replace… and wait for the Replace Text Matches window to appear.
For With enter:
xxxx, yyyy Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
. -
Commit the changes of the automatic regular expression replacements, to more easily see the subsequent changes.
Update the header of
Check if anything was missed by searching for the previous year (
). -
and fix the violations if there are any. -
Commit the remaining changes.
Create a license update issue for next year:
Go to
Sign in with your Eclipse Foundation account using the link at the top-right of the page.
Click New issue.
For Title enter
Update license headers for zzzz
. -
For Labels select RelEng/DevOps and Type::Enhancement.
For Description enter
See the development documentation for the steps to follow.
For Due data select the first day of the new year.
Click Create issue.