Version: [release notes]

Module 1: Supervisory control of discrete event systems

In this module you are introduced to supervisory controllers for cyber-physical systems. You learn about the different engineering approaches for supervisory controllers, including synthesis-based engineering, and their advantages and disadvantages. One of the first challenges in engineering such systems is how to capture their behavior. You will learn how to express their behavior in models, that can be understood and reasoned about unambiguously. Especially for larger systems, and if multiple people studying a system's behavior, it is very useful if they all understand it in the same way. In this module, we will introduce discrete event systems modeled as automata, for that. You get started with using the Eclipse ESCET toolkit and the CIF tools, will make your first CIF models consisting of automata, and simulate them to understand their behavior. You are also introduced to the water lock case.

This module is divided into the following sub-modules:

  • Module 1.1: Supervisory control
  • Module 1.2: Discrete event systems
  • Module 1.3: Modeling discrete event systems
  • Module 1.4: Get started with CIF
  • Module 1.5: Exercises
  • Module 1.6: Introduction to the water lock case