Below, the grammar of the CIF language is shown, in a form closely resembling Backus-Naur Form (BNF). The Specification
non-terminal is the start symbol of the grammar. Text between quotes are terminals. Names using only upper case letters are defined in the lexical syntax. The remaining names are the non-terminals of the grammar.
Specification : GroupBody
GroupBody : OptGroupDecls
AutomatonBody : OptAutDecls Locations OptIoDecls
OptGroupDecls : /* empty */
| OptGroupDecls GroupDecl
GroupDecl : Decl
| "import" Imports ";"
| "namespace" IDENTIFIERTK ";"
| "namespace" RELATIVENAMETK ";"
| "func" Types Identifier FuncParams ":" FuncBody
| Identifier ":" Name CompInstArgs ";"
| "group" "def" Identifier CompDefParms ":" GroupBody "end"
| OptSupKind "automaton" "def" Identifier CompDefParms ":" AutomatonBody "end"
| SupKind "def" Identifier CompDefParms ":" AutomatonBody "end"
| "group" Identifier ":" GroupBody "end"
| OptSupKind "automaton" Identifier ":" AutomatonBody "end"
| SupKind Identifier ":" AutomatonBody "end"
OptAutDecls : /* empty */
| OptAutDecls AutDecl
AutDecl : Decl
| "alphabet" Events ";"
| "alphabet" ";"
| "monitor" Events ";"
| "monitor" ";"
| "disc" Type DiscDecls ";"
Decl : "type" TypeDefs ";"
| "enum" Identifier "=" Identifiers ";"
| OptControllability "event" Identifiers ";"
| OptControllability "event" EventType Identifiers ";"
| Controllability Identifiers ";"
| Controllability EventType Identifiers ";"
| "const" Type ConstantDefs ";"
| "alg" Type AlgVarsDefs ";"
| OptAnnos "input" Type Identifiers ";"
| "cont" ContDecls ";"
| "equation" Equations ";"
| "initial" Expressions ";"
| InvariantDecls
| "marked" Expressions ";"
| IoDecl
Imports : StringToken
| Imports "," StringToken
StringToken : STRINGTK
TypeDefs : Identifier "=" Type
| TypeDefs "," Identifier "=" Type
ConstantDefs : Identifier "=" Expression
| ConstantDefs "," Identifier "=" Expression
AlgVarsDefs : Identifier
| Identifier "=" Expression
| AlgVarsDefs "," Identifier
| AlgVarsDefs "," Identifier "=" Expression
FuncParams : "(" ")"
| "(" FuncParamDecls ")"
FuncParamDecls : Type Identifiers
| FuncParamDecls ";" Type Identifiers
FuncBody : FuncVarDecls FuncStatements "end"
| StringToken ";"
FuncVarDecls : /* empty */
| FuncVarDecls Type FuncVarDecl ";"
FuncVarDecl : Identifier
| Identifier "=" Expression
| FuncVarDecl "," Identifier
| FuncVarDecl "," Identifier "=" Expression
FuncStatements : FuncStatement
| FuncStatements FuncStatement
FuncStatement : Addressables ":=" Expressions ";"
| "if" Expressions ":" FuncStatements
OptElifFuncStats OptElseFuncStat "end"
| "while" Expressions ":" FuncStatements "end"
| "break" ";"
| "continue" ";"
| "return" Expressions ";"
OptElifFuncStats : /* empty */
| OptElifFuncStats "elif" Expressions ":" FuncStatements
OptElseFuncStat : /* empty */
| "else" FuncStatements
Events : Name
| Events "," Name
CoreEdge : EdgeEvents OptEdgeGuard OptEdgeUrgent OptEdgeUpdate
| "when" Expressions OptEdgeUrgent OptEdgeUpdate
| "now" OptEdgeUpdate
| "do" Updates
OptEdgeGuard : /* empty */
| "when" Expressions
OptEdgeUrgent : /* empty */
| "now"
OptEdgeUpdate : /* empty */
| "do" Updates
EdgeEvents : EdgeEvent
| EdgeEvents "," EdgeEvent
EdgeEvent : "tau"
| Name
| Name "!"
| Name "!" Expression
| Name "?"
Locations : Location
| Locations Location
Location : OptAnnos "location" ";"
| OptAnnos "location" Identifier ";"
| OptAnnos "location" ":" LocationElements
| OptAnnos "location" Identifier ":" LocationElements
LocationElements : LocationElement
| LocationElements LocationElement
LocationElement : "initial" ";"
| "initial" Expressions ";"
| InvariantDecls
| "equation" Equations ";"
| "marked" ";"
| "marked" Expressions ";"
| "urgent" ";"
| "edge" CoreEdge ";"
| "edge" CoreEdge "goto" Identifier ";"
CompInstArgs : "(" ")"
| "(" Expressions ")"
CompDefParms : "(" ")"
| "(" CompDefDecls ")"
CompDefDecls : CompDefDeclaration
| CompDefDecls ";" CompDefDeclaration
CompDefDeclaration : OptControllability "event" EventParamIds
| OptControllability "event" EventType EventParamIds
| Controllability EventParamIds
| Controllability EventType EventParamIds
| Name Identifiers
| "location" Identifiers
| "alg" Type Identifiers
EventParamIds : EventParamId
| EventParamIds "," EventParamId
EventParamId : Identifier OptEventParamFlags
OptEventParamFlags : /* empty */
| OptEventParamFlags EventParamFlag
EventParamFlag : "!"
| "?"
| "~"
DiscDecls : DiscDecl
| DiscDecls "," DiscDecl
DiscDecl : Identifier
| Identifier "in" "any"
| Identifier "=" Expression
| Identifier "in" "{" Expressions "}"
ContDecls : ContDecl
| ContDecls "," ContDecl
ContDecl : Identifier OptDerivative
| Identifier "=" Expression OptDerivative
OptDerivative : /* empty */
| "der" Expression
Equations : Equation
| Equations "," Equation
Equation : Identifier "'" "=" Expression
| Identifier "=" Expression
InvariantDecls : OptSupKind "invariant" Invariants ";"
| SupKind Invariants ";"
Invariants : Invariant
| Invariants "," Invariant
Invariant : Expression
| Identifier ":" Expression
| Name "needs" Expression
| Identifier ":" Name "needs" Expression
| NonEmptySetExpression "needs" Expression
| Expression "disables" Name
| Identifier ":" Expression "disables" Name
| Expression "disables" NamesSet
NamesSet : "{" Names "}"
Names : Name
| Names "," Name
Updates : Update
| Updates "," Update
Update : Addressable ":=" Expression
| "if" Expressions ":" Updates
OptElifUpdates OptElseUpdate "end"
Addressables : Addressable
| Addressables "," Addressable
Addressable : Identifier
| Identifier Projections
| "(" Addressable "," Addressables ")"
Projections : Projection
| Projections Projection
Projection : "[" Expression "]"
OptElifUpdates : /* empty */
| OptElifUpdates "elif" Expressions ":" Updates
OptElseUpdate : /* empty */
| "else" Updates
Identifiers : Identifier
| Identifiers "," Identifier
OptSupKind : /* empty */
| SupKind
OptControllability : /* empty */
| Controllability
Controllability : "controllable"
| "uncontrollable"
OptIoDecls : /* empty */
| OptIoDecls IoDecl
IoDecl : SvgFile
| SvgCopy
| SvgMove
| SvgOut
| SvgIn
| PrintFile
| Print
SvgFile : "svgfile" StringToken ";"
OptSvgFile : /* empty */
| "file" StringToken
SvgCopy : "svgcopy" "id" Expression OptSvgCopyPre OptSvgCopyPost OptSvgFile ";"
OptSvgCopyPre : /* empty */
| "pre" Expression
OptSvgCopyPost : /* empty */
| "post" Expression
SvgMove : "svgmove" "id" Expression "to" Expression "," Expression
OptSvgFile ";"
SvgOut : "svgout" "id" Expression SvgAttr "value" Expression OptSvgFile
SvgAttr : "attr" StringToken
| "text"
SvgIn : "svgin" "id" Expression "event" SvgInEvent OptSvgFile ";"
SvgInEvent : Name
| "if" Expression ":" Name OptSvgInEventElifs "else" Name "end"
| "if" Expression ":" Name SvgInEventElifs "end"
OptSvgInEventElifs : /* empty */
| SvgInEventElifs
SvgInEventElifs : "elif" Expression ":" Name
| SvgInEventElifs "elif" Expression ":" Name
PrintFile : "printfile" StringToken ";"
Print : "print" PrintTxt OptPrintFors OptPrintWhen OptPrintFile ";"
PrintTxt : Expression
| "pre" Expression
| "post" Expression
| "pre" Expression "post" Expression
OptPrintFors : /* empty */
| "for" PrintFors
PrintFors : PrintFor
| PrintFors "," PrintFor
PrintFor : "event"
| "time"
| Name
| "initial"
| "final"
OptPrintWhen : /* empty */
| "when" Expression
| "when" "pre" Expression
| "when" "post" Expression
| "when" "pre" Expression "post" Expression
OptPrintFile : /* empty */
| "file" StringToken
Types : Type
| Types "," Type
EventType : "void"
| Type
Type : "bool"
| "int"
| "int" "[" Expression ".." Expression "]"
| "real"
| "string"
| "list" Type
| "list" "[" Expression "]" Type
| "list" "[" Expression ".." Expression "]" Type
| "set" Type
| "dict" "(" Type ":" Type ")"
| "tuple" "(" Fields ")"
| "func" Type "(" ")"
| "func" Type "(" Types ")"
| "dist" Type
| Name
Fields : Field
| Fields ";" Field
Field : Type Identifiers
Expressions : Expression
| Expressions "," Expression
OptExpression : /* empty */
| Expression
Expression : OrExpression
| OrExpression "=>" OrExpression
| OrExpression "<=>" OrExpression
OrExpression : AndExpression
| OrExpression "or" AndExpression
AndExpression : CompareExpression
| AndExpression "and" CompareExpression
CompareExpression : AddExpression
| CompareExpression "<" AddExpression
| CompareExpression "<=" AddExpression
| CompareExpression "=" AddExpression
| CompareExpression "!=" AddExpression
| CompareExpression ">=" AddExpression
| CompareExpression ">" AddExpression
| CompareExpression "in" AddExpression
| CompareExpression "sub" AddExpression
AddExpression : MulExpression
| AddExpression "+" MulExpression
| AddExpression "-" MulExpression
MulExpression : UnaryExpression
| MulExpression "*" UnaryExpression
| MulExpression "/" UnaryExpression
| MulExpression "div" UnaryExpression
| MulExpression "mod" UnaryExpression
UnaryExpression : FuncExpression
| "-" UnaryExpression
| "+" UnaryExpression
| "not" UnaryExpression
| "sample" FuncExpression
FuncExpression : ExpressionFactor
| FuncExpression "[" Expression "]"
| FuncExpression
"[" OptExpression ":" OptExpression "]"
| FuncExpression "(" ")"
| FuncExpression "(" Expressions ")"
| StdLibFunction "(" ")"
| StdLibFunction "(" Expressions ")"
ExpressionFactor : "true"
| "false"
| StringToken
| "time"
| "[" "]"
| "[" Expressions "]"
| "{" "}"
| NonEmptySetExpression
| "{" DictPairs "}"
| "(" Expression "," Expressions ")"
| "<" Type ">" ExpressionFactor
| "if" Expressions ":" Expression
OptElifExprs "else" Expression "end"
| "switch" Expression ":" SwitchBody "end"
| "(" Expression ")"
| Name
| Name "'"
| "?"
| "self"
NonEmptySetExpression : "{" Expressions "}"
DictPairs : Expression ":" Expression
| DictPairs "," Expression ":" Expression
OptElifExprs : /* empty */
| OptElifExprs "elif" Expressions ":" Expression
SwitchBody : SwitchCases
| SwitchCases "else" Expression
| "else" Expression
SwitchCases : "case" Expression ":" Expression
| SwitchCases "case" Expression ":" Expression
Name : Identifier
OptAnnos : /* empty */
| OptAnnos Annotation
| ANNOTATIONNAMETK "(" AnnotationArgs OptComma ")"
AnnotationArgs : AnnotationArg
| AnnotationArgs "," AnnotationArg
AnnotationArg : IDENTIFIERTK "=" Expression
| RELATIVENAMETK "=" Expression
OptComma : /* empty */
| ","
SupKind : "plant"
| "requirement"
| "supervisor"
StdLibFunction : "acosh"
| "acos"
| "asinh"
| "asin"
| "atanh"
| "atan"
| "cosh"
| "cos"
| "sinh"
| "sin"
| "tanh"
| "tan"
| "abs"
| "cbrt"
| "ceil"
| "del"
| "empty"
| "exp"
| "floor"
| "fmt"
| "ln"
| "log"
| "max"
| "min"
| "pop"
| "pow"
| "round"
| "scale"
| "sign"
| "size"
| "sqrt"
| "bernoulli"
| "beta"
| "binomial"
| "constant"
| "erlang"
| "exponential"
| "gamma"
| "geometric"
| "lognormal"
| "normal"
| "poisson"
| "random"
| "triangle"
| "uniform"
| "weibull"