How to get in touch with the Hono Community

Wanna tell us what you think about Eclipse Hono™? What we can improve? Which feature is missing? Or just discuss architectural issues?

Ask a Question

We would be delighted to answer your questions regarding the usage of Hono on StackOverflow. Make sure to add the eclipse-hono tag to your question so that we can easily find (and answer) it.

Report an Issue

The easiest way to tell us about a problem you experience with Hono is by opening an issue on our GitHub page.

Please make sure to search the existing issues for similar symptoms before you open a new issue.


The most direct way of interacting with the Hono developers is by means of joining our room on Gitter.

Keep in mind, though, that our Gitter room is mainly used by committers and contributors for discussing issues related to development of new features and organizational stuff. The preferred way of posting questions regarding usage of Hono is via StackOverflow.

Mailing List

An excellent way to get the latest news and announcements around Hono is to join the mailing list. This is the place where we announce new releases and discuss architectural issues of greater impact.

Project Call

Starting 2023-11-08, there is a bi-weekly community call at 16:00 CET. The call is open to everyone interested in the development of Hono.

You can join by using the following link:

You can also import the event series into your calendar.

Finally, the Eclipse IoT Working Group calendar contains all meetings scheduled by Eclipse IoT projects and also includes the Hono Open Hour event series.