Eclipse JKube Quickstarts

Eclipse JKube quick start projects and examples

A picture of multiple concrete cubes aligned in a grid
A picture of multiple concrete cubes aligned in a grid
    • Eclipse JKube Kit example to build and use a Custom Enricher in a SpringBoot Application. It will demonstrate how you can extend Eclipse JKube Kit's Enricher API to make your own enricher and use it to enrich or generate manifests as per your requirements.

      • Eclipse JKube Kit example showing how to generate a Docker image by using Eclipse JKube in standalone mode.

        • Eclipse JKube Kit example showing how to Dynamically generate a Docker image.

          The generated image contains multiple COPY statements which allows the generation of a multilayered container image.

          • Eclipse JKube Kit example showing how to generate a Helm Charts using Eclipse JKube in standalone mode.

            • Kubernetes
            • Spring

            This quick start showcases how to use Eclipse JKube with external Docker files.

            There are several profiles highlighting the different configuration modes available.

            • Kubernetes
            • Spring

            This quickstart showcases how to use Eclipse JKube with external Docker files without any additional configuration.

            Docker file mode is automatically selected when a Dockerfile is detected in the project's root directory.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Spring

            Simple Spring Boot application which demonstrates how you can use Eclipse JKube's resource fragments.

            Fragments in `src/main/jkube` directory are detected and picked up by JKube.

            These fragments are then merged with the JKube generated cluster configuration manifests (YAML).

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            • Kubernetes

            Demo project for getting started with Eclipse JKube.

            It starts a simple HTTP server on port 8080 that replies with "Hello World" to the /hello endpoint.

            • Kubernetes

            Demo project for Jakarta EE 8 WebProfile, IBM WebSphere Liberty is used as a Jakarta EE implementation.

            On Windows or Mac if VirtualBox is used, run the tests using:

            $ mvn clean verify -DtestProxyHost=

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • ApacheCamel
            • ApacheKaraf

            Simple Apache Camel 2 application on top of Apache Karaf that logs a series of messages to the Server log.

            The application also generates and processes random orders using Camel routes.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • ApacheCamel
            • ApacheKaraf

            Simple Apache Camel 3 application on top of Apache Karaf that logs a series of messages to the Server log.

            The application also generates and processes random orders using Camel routes.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Micronaut application featuring REST endpoints (micronaut-http) with validation (micronaut-validation).

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Micronaut application featuring REST endpoints (micronaut-http) with validation (micronaut-validation).

            Includes configuration to enable health check probes (livenessProbe & readinessProbe) using JKube's

            powerful resource fragments and micronaut-management feature.

            XML based image configuration compatible with OpenShift and Kubernetes.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Micronaut application featuring REST endpoints (micronaut-http) with validation (micronaut-validation).

            • OpenShift
            • OpenLiberty

            JAX-RS application deployed with OpenLiberty and Eclipse JKube.

            The application contains a single endpoint (/hello) that prints 'Hello, World.'.

            An Arquillian based Integration Test is also included.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            How to integrate Eclipse JKube into an OpenLiberty-MicroProfile project as downloaded from

            Includes a JAX-RS endpoint, sample CDI injected configuration, and Liveness and Readiness probes.

            • Kubernetes

            Example to use a JKube Plugin in a Java Application.


            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Quarkus

            Quarkus application with a single JAX-RS endpoint.

            Demonstrates how to package the project using JVM mode or Native image mode.

            Demonstrates how to build a Quarkus project container with Eclipse JKube's S2I, Docker and JIB build strategies.

            • OpenShift
            • Quarkus

            Quarkus application with a single JAX-RS endpoint.

            Demonstrates how to build a Quarkus container image based on a Red Hat container image private registry.

            Uses a pull secret from Red Hat Registry Service Accounts to authenticate.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Spring

            Spring Boot Web application with a single @RestController.

            Shows how to deploy Spring Boot applications to Kubernetes (-Pkubernetes) and OpenShift (-Popenshift) using Eclipse JKube.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • ApacheCamel
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application with Camel Spring Boot integration.

            Programmatically (RouteBuilder) declares 2 routes to log messages and process orders.

            Declares an Apache Camel servlet REST endpoint.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application using K8s Custom Resources.

            Declares a "Framework" Custom Resource Definition.

            Initializes cluster with sample data.

            Declares an endpoint to consume Custom Resource data stored in the cluster.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application with Dekorate integration.

            Eclipse JKube uses Dekorate generated cluster configuration manifests.

            • Kubernetes
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application with a single REST endpoint.

            Demonstrates how to generate Helm chart (YAML) files using Eclipse JKube's k8s:helm Maven goal.

            • Kubernetes
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application with a single REST endpoint.

            Demonstrates how to watch for source changes using Eclipse JKube's k8s:watch goal.

            Application gets live reloaded in the cluster each time the project is recompiled (mvn package).

            • Kubernetes
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application with a single REST endpoint.

            Demonstrates how to build a project using Eclipse JKube JIB build strategy.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Thorntail

            Java web application with a single JAX-RS endpoint packaged with Thorntail.

            • Kubernetes

            Tomee deployment template for JKube

            • Kubernetes

            Demo project for getting started with Eclipse JKube.

            It just prints "Hello World" on command line and exits.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Vertx

            Eclipse Vert.x example application declaring a Simple AbstractVerticle.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Vertx

            Eclipse Vert.x 4 example application declaring a Simple AbstractVerticle.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Java Web Application with a static index.html resource.

            Demonstrates how to create a container image with an embedded Apache Tomcat server using Eclipse JKube.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Java Web Application with a static index.html resource.

            Demonstrates how to create a container image with an embedded Eclipse Jetty server using Eclipse JKube.

            Jetty is used instead of Apache Tomcat because there is a Jetty specific configuration file (

            Eclipse JKube detects this file and chooses a Jetty specific base container image.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Java Web Application with a static index.html resource.

            Demonstrates how to create a container image with an embedded WildFly server using Eclipse JKube.

            WildFly is used instead of Apache Tomcat because there is a WildFly specific plugin configuration.

            Eclipse JKube detects this plugin and chooses a WildFly specific base container image.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Java Web Application that uses an embedded h2 database.

            Demonstrates how to create a container image with an embedded WildFly server using Eclipse JKube.

            WildFly is used instead of Apache Tomcat because there is a WildFly persistence.xml and -ds.xml configuration.

            Eclipse JKube detects this file and chooses a WildFly specific base container image.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Java web application with a single JAX-RS endpoint packaged with WildFly Jar Maven Plugin.

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift

            Java web application with a single JAX-RS endpoint packaged with WildFly Jar Maven Plugin.

            • Kubernetes
            • ApacheCamel

            Apache Camel application.

            Demonstrates how to configure Eclipse JKube build and resource properties using XML elements in the project's pom.xml plugin configuration.

            • Kubernetes

            Example showing how to use Eclipse JKube Maven Plugins to deploy cluster configuration YAML files.

            Example with Yaml only resources

            • Kubernetes
            • OpenShift
            • Spring

            Spring Boot application with a single REST endpoint.

            Demonstrates Eclipse JKube Zero Configuration capabilities.

            All configurations to create the container image and resource manifests are inferred from the project and its dependencies.