Interface IRoutingModule

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IRoutingModule
    Interface to access the central navigation component from road side units.
    • Method Detail

      • calculateRoutes

        RoutingResponse calculateRoutes​(RoutingPosition sourcePosition,
                                        RoutingPosition targetPosition,
                                        RoutingParameters routingParameters)
        Calculates one or more routes from the position of the vehicle to the given target location.
        sourcePosition - The source position of the required route.
        targetPosition - The target position of the required route.
        routingParameters - Properties defining the way routes are calculated (e.g. number of routes, weighting).
        The response including a set of routes towards the target.
      • getNode

        INode getNode​(String nodeId)
        Returns the node object identified by the given nodeId.
        nodeId - The id of the requested node.
        The node object identified by the given nodeId.
      • getConnection

        IConnection getConnection​(String connection)
        Returns data for the specified connection id.
        connection - the id of the node
        the IConnection containing data for the specified connection id.
      • getClosestNode

        INode getClosestNode​(GeoPoint geoPoint)
        Returns the node object, which is closest to the given GeoPoint.
        geoPoint - The geographical location to search a node for.
        The node object, which is closest to the given location.
      • getClosestRoadPosition

        IRoadPosition getClosestRoadPosition​(GeoPoint geoPoint)
        Returns the road position, which is closest to the given GeoPoint.
        geoPoint - The geographical location to search a road position for.
        The road position, which is closest to the given location.
      • getClosestRoadPosition

        IRoadPosition getClosestRoadPosition​(GeoPoint geoPoint,
                                             double heading)
        Returns the road position, which is closest to the given GeoPoint. If two adjacent edges overlap, the heading will be used as a similarity measure.
        geoPoint - The geographical location to search a road position for.
        heading - used as a measure of similarity if multiple edges match
        The road position, which is closest to the given location.