Class TransmissionSimulator

  • public class TransmissionSimulator
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • sendMessageAsTopocast

        protected Map<String,​TransmissionResult> sendMessageAsTopocast​(String senderName,
                                                                             DestinationAddressContainer dac)
        Simulates topolocically-scoped Unicast or Broadcast as direct singlehop transmission. (NO multi-hops are implemented by now)
        1. Verify if configured transmission can be send using the topocast logic
        2. Differentiate between Unicast and Broadcast
        3. Simulate transmission with one hop
        senderName - The Sender of the message.
        dac - DestinationAddressContainer containing information about the destination for the message.
        a Map containing the summarized transmission results
      • sendMessageAsGeocast

        protected Map<String,​TransmissionResult> sendMessageAsGeocast​(String senderName,
                                                                            DestinationAddressContainer dac)
        Simulates geocast routing transmission. (ONLY Broadcasts are implemented by now)
        1. Verify if configured transmission can be send using the topocast logic
        2. determine all potential receiver nodes in the destination area (including original sender due to re-broadcasting in geocast)
        3. simulate message transmission via
          1. simplified Multihop mode (possibly needed hops to reach destination not regarded)
          2. with more elaborated approaching and flooding modes
        senderName - The Sender of the message.
        dac - DestinationAddressContainer containing information about the destination for the message.
        a Map containing the summarized transmission results
      • getEntitiesInArea

        public static Map<String,​SimulationNode> getEntitiesInArea​(Map<String,​SimulationNode> relevantEntities,
                                                                         Area<CartesianPoint> range)
        This method collects all entities, that are within the given GeoArea. It is static because it is also required in some of the AdhocTransmissionModels.
        relevantEntities - a map of all entities and their names, which should be checked against the area
        range - the GeoArea within which the entities should be. It is called "range" because it reflects the communication range
        A map of the given entities, which are in the destination area.