Class SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds

        public SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds()
        Creates a new SimulationGetDepartedVehicleIds traci command, which will return a list of all departed vehicles once executed. Access needs to be public, because command is called using Reflection.
    • Method Detail

      • constructResult

        protected List<String> constructResult​(Status status,
                                               Object... objects)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTraciCommand
        This method is called during reading the command response when all readers have been executed. The results of the readers are passed to this method.
        Specified by:
        constructResult in class AbstractTraciCommand<List<String>>
        status - the status of the response
        objects - the objects created by the configured readers
        the final result constructed from the passed objects