Class VehicleSubscribe

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class VehicleSubscribe
    extends AbstractTraciCommand<Void>
    implements VehicleSubscribe
    This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the vehicle to the application. Several options for vehicle subscription are implemented in this class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VehicleSubscribe

        public VehicleSubscribe​(Bridge bridge)
        Creates a new VehicleSubscribe object. Access needs to be public, because command is called using Reflection.
        bridge - Connection to Traci.
        See Also:
        Variable Subscription
      • VehicleSubscribe

        public VehicleSubscribe​(Bridge bridge,
                                CSumo sumoConfiguration)
        Creates a new VehicleSubscribe object.
        bridge - Connection to Traci.
        sumoConfiguration - The sumo configuration file.
      • VehicleSubscribe

        public VehicleSubscribe​(Bridge bridge,
                                Collection<SumoVar> subscriptionCodes)
        Creates a new VehicleSubscribe object. Access needs to be public, because command is called using Reflection.
        bridge - Connection to Traci.
        subscriptionCodes - The parameters for an applicable configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute​(Bridge bridge,
                            String vehicleId,
                            long startTime,
                            long endTime)
                     throws CommandException,
        This method executes the command with the given arguments in order to subscribe the vehicle to the application.
        Specified by:
        execute in interface VehicleSubscribe
        bridge - Connection to SUMO.
        vehicleId - The Id of the Vehicle.
        startTime - The time to subscribe the vehicle.
        endTime - The end time of the subscription of the vehicle in the application.
        CommandException - if the status code of the response is ERROR. The connection to SUMO is still available.
        InternalFederateException - if some serious error occurs during writing or reading. The TraCI connection is shut down.
      • constructResult

        protected Void constructResult​(Status status,
                                       Object... objects)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTraciCommand
        This method is called during reading the command response when all readers have been executed. The results of the readers are passed to this method.
        Specified by:
        constructResult in class AbstractTraciCommand<Void>
        status - the status of the response
        objects - the objects created by the configured readers
        the final result constructed from the passed objects