Class VehicleSpeedChange

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Interaction>

    public final class VehicleSpeedChange
    extends Interaction
    This represents a 'change of speed' instruction to the used traffic simulator. The instruction basically only needs the target speed as well as the timeframe to reach that speed. Seeing as some traffic simulators can't seem to detect if this represents a speed up or a slow down compared to the current speed a VehicleSpeedChange.VehicleSpeedChangeType needs to be given to determine that data.
     As a special bonus VehicleSpeedChange.VehicleSpeedChangeType.RESET tells the traffic simulator to control the
     speed on its own again. In that case speed as well as interval should be disregarded by
     the respective traffic simulator ambassadors.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • TYPE_ID

        public static final String TYPE_ID
        String identifying the type of this interaction.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VehicleSpeedChange

        public VehicleSpeedChange​(long time,
                                  String vehicleId,
                                  VehicleSpeedChange.VehicleSpeedChangeType type,
                                  double newSpeed,
                                  long duration,
                                  double acceleration)
        Creates a new VehicleSpeedChange interaction.
        time - Timestamp of this interaction, unit: [ns]
        vehicleId - vehicle identifier
        type - change speed type
        newSpeed - New desired speed, unit [m/s]
        duration - Duration in which the desired speed shall be reached, unit [ns]
        acceleration - desired acceleration