Class SQLiteReader

  • public class SQLiteReader
    extends Object
    This reads all objects from an SQLite database into the given object database.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLiteReader

        public SQLiteReader()
        Default constructor.
      • SQLiteReader

        public SQLiteReader​(boolean skipVersionCheck)
        Creates a new SQLiteReader object.
        skipVersionCheck - Disable the check the version of the database.
    • Method Detail

      • loadFromFile

        public Database.Builder loadFromFile​(@Nonnull
                                             String dbFilename)
                                      throws OutdatedDatabaseException
        This loads the given database into our database objects by skipping the values in the list.
        dbFilename - Database filename.
        Loaded database.
        OutdatedDatabaseException - if there is an error while reading version from database or the read version is older than stable version.