Class PointCloud

    • Constructor Detail

      • PointCloud

        public PointCloud​(long creationTime,
                          Vector3d origin,
                          RotationMatrix orientation,
                          List<PointCloud.Point> points,
                          PointCloud.PointReference pointsReference)
        Creates a new PointCloud based on a list of PointCloud.Points. The points may be given (and then stored) either in absolute world coordinates, or relative coordinates compared to the given origin and orientation field. The reference frame of the points in the given PointCloud.Point list must be declared by using PointCloud.PointReference.ABSOLUTE or PointCloud.PointReference.RELATIVE.
        creationTime - the creation time of the point cloud in nanoseconds
        origin - the origin point of the point cloud in world coordinates
        orientation - the orientation of the point cloud
        points - a list of points, containing point coordinates in either absolute or relative format
        pointsReference - the reference format of the coordinates of the points (absolute world coordinates, relative coordinates)