Appendix A: Acronyms
Compile-Time Dependency |
Run-Time Dependency |
Load-Time Dependency |
Initialization-Time Dependency |
Execution-Time Dependency |
ANother Tool for Language Recognition |
Application Programming Interface |
Abstract Syntax Tree |
Automatic Semicolon Insertion |
Backus-Naur Form |
Command Line Interface (including a headless compiler and runner.) |
Dependency Injection |
DI Component |
Document Object Model |
Domain Specific Language |
Extended Backus-Naur Form |
Fully Qualified Name |
Greatest Lower Bound, also known as infimum |
Greatest Common Sub Type, also known as meet |
Integrated Development Environment |
Interface Definition Language |
Liskov Substitution Principle [Martin96b] |
Least Upper Bound, also known as supremum |
Least Common Super Type, also known as join |
N4JS for JavaScript |
N4JS Environment Definition |
N4JS Integrated Development Environment (Eclipse-based IDE for all N4JS related languages and projects) |
Virtual Machine |
Extensible Markup Language |
XSL Transformations |
Extensible Stylesheet Language |
What You See Is What You Get |
Without loss of generality |