13. PlainJS
Since N4JS is a super set of JavaScript, is it both possible to use plain JavaScript in N4JS and vice versa. There may be some obstacles due to concepts introduced by N4JS to make code more maintainable and robust:
N4JS’ static type system may complain about some older JavaScript hacks. Declared types, in particular, are assumed to be implicitly frozen.
In N4JS, modules are used as namespaces with explicit export and import statements. The notion of globals is not directly supported by N4JS as this leads to unexpected side effects (several components providing and thus overriding global definitions, for example).
N4JS defines a (ECMAScript 6 compatible) concept of object-oriented programming which may conflict with other plain JavaScript solutions.
To overcome these problems, N4JS provides a couple of techniques summarized in this chapter.
13.1. Type Inference and Validation for Plain JS
In plain JavaScript mode:
All declared variables are inferred to
. -
All declared functions return and accept a variadic number of arguments of type
. -
It is allowed to use the
statement with or without an expression. -
New expressions with a receiver of
is allowed. -
No type arguments are required for generic built-in types.
Assigning a value to a read-only variable is not checked.
Undeclared variables are treated as
as well.
Note that this essentially disables all validation particularly since methods such as the ’import’-like function require
are unknown.
13.2. External Declarations
N4JS supports declaring external classes as a means to declare classes whose implementation is not N4JS so they can be used from N4JS. Together with structural typing, this allows N4JS to seamlessly integrate frameworks and libraries which have not been implemented in N4JS but in plain ECMAScript or another language.
Req. IDE-163: External allowed occurrences (ver. 1)
Declarations with external flags are only allowed in files with the extension (so called N4JS definition files).
Only external classes, external interfaces marked with
, external enums, external function declarations and structurally typed interfaces are allowed in a file. -
Declarations with external flags are allowed to subclass built-in type
type and all of its descendants such asEvalError
, although any of the error types are annotated with@N4JS
The following explanations apply to all external declarations except where stated otherwise.
In general, an external declaration uses the same syntax as the declaration of a normal N4JS declaration with the addition of the modifier external
External classifiers are always ’entirely external’ in that it is not possible to combine defined methods and external methods within a single class or interface.
Req. IDE-164: External classes inheritance (ver. 1)
An external class without the
annotation can only inherit from another external class or from one of the built-in ECMAScript types (e.g. Object). That is, by default external classes are derived fromObject
. -
An external class with the annotation
can only inherit from another external class annotated with@N4JS
or from non-external N4JS classes.
Req. IDE-165: Structurally typed interface implementation (ver. 1)
An external class without the annotation
can only be implemented by structurally typed interfaces. -
An external class with the annotation
can only be implemented by structurally typed interfaces annotated with@N4JS
. -
An external interface without the annotation
must be defined structurally.
Req. IDE-166: External interface inheritance (ver. 1)
An interface in a n4jsd file without the annotation
can only inherit from another interface within a n4jsd file. -
An interface with the
annotation can only inherit from another interface annotated with@N4JS
Req. IDE-167: External class/interface members (ver. 1)
The static and instance methods, getters and setters of an external class must not have a method body.
The static and instance fields of an external class must not have an initializer.
The constructor of an external class without the annotation
must not be declared private. -
Methods in interfaces with default implementation which cannot be expressed in the definition file must be annotated with
. This is only allowed in interfaces annotated with@N4JS
. -
Fields in interfaces or classes with initializers which cannot be expressed in the definition file, must be annotated with
. This is only allowed in classes or interfaces annotated with@N4JS
This means that in external classes, all members except constructors may be declared private even if the class is not annotated with @N4JS
. In interfaces, however, private members are disallowed anyway,
cf. [Req-IDE-48].
Req. IDE-168: Other external declarations (ver. 1)
The literals of an external enum must not have a value.
An external function declaration must not have a body.
13.2.1. Declaring externals
By default, the implicit supertype of an external class is Object.
If the @N4JS
annotation is provided it is N4Object.
If a superclass is explicitly given, the constraints from the previous section apply.
13.2.2. Instantiating external classes
In most cases, it is desirable to instantiate external classes from external projects. Publicly exporting the class definition and providing a public constructor is good practice.
In some cases, the instantiation from an outer scope is not wanted. A possible approach is to use a structurally typed interface instead of a class to link to the implementation.
In case of API-definitions (see [_api-and-implementation-components]), it might be useful to limit the visibility of classes to narrower scopes such as package or private.
External declarations can be instantiated if the following three requirements are fulfilled (not a constraint!):
External declarations have to be exported and be marked as public so they are accessible from outside.
The contained or inherited constructor of an external class must be public.
The external class must be linked to an implementation module (see below Implementation of External Declarations).
13.2.3. Implementation of External Declarations
All external declarations must be associated with an external implementation module in one way or another. Any time the external declaration is imported, the compiler generates code that imports the corresponding implementation module at runtime.
There are two possible ways of linking an external declaration to its corresponding implementation:
By naming convention defined in the
file. -
By declaring that the implementation is provided by the JavaScript runtime, see Runtime Definitions for details.
The naming convention is based on the external
source fragments defined in the package.json
file (Package.json File).
If the implementation is provided by the runtime directly, then this can be also specified in the package.json
file by a module filter.
The implicit link via the naming convention is used to link an external class declaration to its non-N4JS implementation module. It does not effect validation, but only compilation and runtime. Essentially, this makes the compiler generate code so that at runtime, the linked implementation module is imported instead of the declaration module.
In most use cases of external declarations you also want to disable validation and module wrapping by specifying appropriate filters in the package.json
Occasionally it is not possible for the validation to correctly detect a corresponding implementation element.
For that reason, it is possible to disable validation of implementations completely via @@IgnoreImplementation
Req. IDE-169: Implementation of External Declarations (ver. 1)
For a given external declaration but not for API-definitions [60], the following constraints must hold:
If the declaration is neither provided by runtime nor validation of implementation is disabled, a corresponding implementation must be found by the naming convention. If no such implementation is found, a warning is generated.
If, in addition to standard source
, the source-external
fragment is provided in Sources
, files in the folder tree below source folders
will be related to modules of the same name in the external folders. This is shown in External Class Implementation, Naming Convention.
13.2.4. Example
Assume the following non-N4JS module:
module.exports = {
"Point": function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
"Circle": function Circle(center, radius) {
this.center = center;
this.radius = radius;
this.scaleX = function(x){ this.x = x; }
this.scaleY= function(y){ this.y = y; }
is placed in project folder /external/a/b/shapes.js -
is placed in project folder /src/a/b/shapes.n4jsd -
defines src as source folder and external as external source folder
the following N4JS external class declarations in shapes.n4jsd are sufficient:
export external public class Point {
x: number; y: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number);
export external public class Circle {
center: Point; radius: number;
constructor(center: Point, radius: number);
Note that the class and interface names in n4jsd files must match those in the js files, respectively.
export external public interface ~Scalable {
scaleX(factor: number);
scaleY(factor: number);
export external public class Circle implements Scalable {
center: Point;
radius: number; x: number; y: number;
@Override public scaleX(factor: number);
@Override public scaleY(factor: number);
constructor(center: Point, radius: number);
13.3. Global Definitions
Existing JavaScript libraries and built-in objects provided by certain JavaScript environments often globally define variables. Although it is not recommended to use global definitions, this cannot always be avoided.
N4JS supports global definitions via the annotation Global
This annotation can only be defined on modules (via @@Global
) – this means that all declarations in the module are
globally defined.[61]
We introduce a new pseudo property on all declared elements accordingly:
Boolean flag set to true if annotation
is set in containing module. The flag indicates that the exported element is globally available and must not be imported.
Since definition of global elements is not supported by N4JS directly, this can be only used in external definitions. A declaration with can be used without explicit import statement. It is not possible to import these declarations.
Req. IDE-170: Global Definitions (ver. 1)
Global Definitions
For a declaration with , not a polyfill (, the following constraints must hold:
The name of the definition must not be equal to any primitive type (
, or an built-in N4 type (N4Object
etc.). -
If the name of the definition equals a basic runtime time Object Type then the project must be a runtime environment:
13.4. Runtime Definitions
Some elements are predefined by the JavaScript runtime such as DOM elements by the browser or built-in ECMAScript or non-standard objects. These elements can be defined by means of external definitions; however, no actual implementation can be provided as these elements are actually provided by the runtime itself.
Since these cases are rather rare and in order to enable additional checks such as verification that a given runtime actually provides the elements, this kind of element can only be defined in components of type runtime environment or runtime library (cf Runtime Environment and Runtime Libraries).
N4JS supports runtime definitions via the annotation @ProvidedByRuntime
This annotation can be defined
on modules (via
)– this means that all declarations in the module are provided by the runtime -
on export statements or declarations.
We introduce a new pseudo property accordingly:
Boolean flag set to true if the annotation
is set. Flag indicates that the element is only declared in the module but its implementation is provided by the runtime.
Since built-in types are usually defined globally, the annotation @ProvidedByRuntime
is usually used in combination with @Global
Req. IDE-171: Provided By Runtime (ver. 1)
For a declaration with , the following constraints must hold:
The declaration must either be an export declaration itself or an exportable declaration.
The declaration must be contained in a definition module.
The declaration must be (indirectly) contained in a component of type or .
There must be no implementation file with the same name as the definition module if annotation is defined for a whole module.
13.5. Applying Polyfills
(Runtime) Libraries often do not provide completely new types but modify existing types.
The ECMA-402 Internationalization Standard [ECMA12a], for example, changes methods of the built-in class Date
to be timezone-aware.
Other scenarios include new functionality provided by browsers which are not part of an official standard yet.
Even ECMAScript 6 [ECMA15a] extends the predecessor [ECMA11a] in terms of new methods or new method parameters added to existing types.
It also adds completely new classes and features, of course.
The syntax of runtime polyfills is described in section Polyfill Definitions. Here, an example of applying a runtime polyfill is detailed.
The following snippet demonstrates how to define a polyfill of the built-in class Object
to add the new ECMAScript 7 observer functionality.
This snippet has to be defined in a runtime library or environment.
export external public class Object extends Object {
public static Object observe(Object object, Function callback, Array<string>? accept);
A client referring to this runtime library (or environment) can now access the observer methods as if it were defined directly in the original declaration of Object