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makeColumnsEqualWidth - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
makeColumnsEqualWidth specifies whether all columns in the layout will be forced to have the same width.
makeShellAppears(Shell) - Static method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.notifier.Notifier
marginBottom - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
marginBottom - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
marginBottom specifies the number of pixels of vertical margin that will be placed along the bottom edge of the layout.
marginHeight - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
marginHeight specifies the number of pixels of vertical margin that will be placed along the top and bottom edges of the layout.
marginLeft - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
marginLeft - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
marginLeft specifies the number of pixels of horizontal margin that will be placed along the left edge of the layout.
marginLeft - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.richtext.painter.AlignmentStyle
marginRight - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
marginRight - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
marginRight specifies the number of pixels of horizontal margin that will be placed along the right edge of the layout.
marginTop - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
marginTop - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
marginTop specifies the number of pixels of vertical margin that will be placed along the top edge of the layout.
marginWidth - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VGridLayout
marginWidth specifies the number of pixels of horizontal margin that will be placed along the left and right edges of the layout.
marked - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.starrating.Star
Matrix - org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.svg.SvgTransform.Type
max - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.movement.AbstractMovement
MB - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.commons.ResourceManager
me - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.ScrollingSmoother
MEGABYTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.commons.ResourceManager
menu - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
MessageArea - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.dialog
Instances of this class are message areas
MessageArea(Dialog) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.dialog.MessageArea
min - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.movement.AbstractMovement
MIN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pgroup.AbstractToolItemRenderer
Defines that item should be rendered in its minimal way: Icon only if both defined Icon if Text is null Text if Icon is null
minHand - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.AnalogTimePicker
MinMaxToggleRenderer - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pgroup
This toggle strategy mimics the buttons found in SWT's CTabFolder (i.e. the same buttons found in the Eclipse's views and editors) which in turn are mimicing the minimize/maximize buttons found on Shells.
MinMaxToggleRenderer() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pgroup.MinMaxToggleRenderer
minutes - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DiscreteTimePicker
ModifyFunction(Browser, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.richtext.RichTextEditor.ModifyFunction
modifyText(ModifyEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.promptsupport.CComboFocusControlListener
modifyText(ModifyEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.promptsupport.ComboFocusControlListener
modifyText(ModifyEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.promptsupport.StyledTextFocusControlListener
modifyText(ModifyEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.promptsupport.TextFocusControlListener
Month() - Static method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Header
MONTH - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Header
MONTH_NEXT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Header
MONTH_PREV - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Header
monthButton - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DatePicker
monthButtons - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DatePicker
monthItems - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DatePicker
MonthLabel - org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.CDT.PickerPart
monthNext - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DatePicker
MonthNext - org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.CDT.PickerPart
MonthNext() - Static method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Header
monthPanel - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DatePicker
monthPrev - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.DatePicker
MonthPrev - org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.CDT.PickerPart
MonthPrev() - Static method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Header
Months() - Static method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Body
MONTHS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.Body
MORE_DETAILS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.commons.ResourceManager
MOUSEDOWN_GRID_COLUMN_HEADER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.internal.win7.Win7PaletteProvider
MouseMove - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.IInternalWidget
Hover State.
mouseWheelListener - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.ScrollingSmoother
move(AnimationRunner, Control, int, int, int, IMovement, Runnable, Runnable) - Static method in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.effects.MoveControl
move(VControl, VControl) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VPanel
moveAbove(VControl) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
moveBelow(VControl) - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.v.VControl
MoveControl - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.effects
MoveControl(Control, int, int, int, int, long, IMovement, Runnable, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.effects.MoveControl
moveDownItem() - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.duallist.DualList
Move the selected item down
movement - Variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.ScrollingSmoother
MoveScrollBar - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.effects
MoveScrollBar(ScrollBar, int, int, long, IMovement, Runnable, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.cwt.animation.effects.MoveScrollBar
moveSelectionToFirstPosition() - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.duallist.DualList
Move the selected item to the first position
moveSelectionToLastPosition() - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.duallist.DualList
Move the selected item to the last position
moveUpItem() - Method in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.duallist.DualList
Move the selected item up
MULTI - org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.GridSelectionType
Allow multiple selections
MULTI - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.cdatetime.CDT
not yet supported
MultiChoice<T> - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice
The MultiChoice class represents a selectable user interface object that combines a read-only text-field and a set of checkboxes.
MultiChoice(Composite, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice.MultiChoice
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent.
MultiChoice(Composite, int, List<T>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice.MultiChoice
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent.
MULTICHOICE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.commons.ResourceManager
MULTICHOICE_MESSAGE_PLURAL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.commons.ResourceManager
MultiChoiceDefaultLabelProvider - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice
Default MultiChoiceLabelProvider that uses the toString() method to determine the content of a given element
MultiChoiceDefaultLabelProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice.MultiChoiceDefaultLabelProvider
MultiChoiceLabelProvider - Interface in org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that determine what to show in a MultiChoice control.
MultiChoiceSelectionListener<T> - Class in org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice
Classes which extend this abstract class provide methods that deal with the events that are generated when selection occurs in a MultiChoice control.
MultiChoiceSelectionListener(MultiChoice<T>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.multichoice.MultiChoiceSelectionListener
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