Class TextStyle


public class TextStyle
extends java.lang.Object
Defines a set of styles that can be applied to text. Instances of this class are immutable.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Constructs a new TextStyle with default font (device-dependent), black foreground, transparent background, default alignment, and the strikeout and underline flags set to false.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    TextStyle align​(int alignment)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the alignment changed to the argument.
    TextStyle background​(int rgb)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the color described by the argument.
    TextStyle background​(int red, int green, int blue)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the color described by the arguments.
    TextStyle background​( background)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the argument.
    TextPrint create​(java.lang.String text)
    Returns a TextPrint of the given text in this text style
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
    TextStyle font​(java.lang.String name, int height, int style)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font changed to the font described by the arguments.
    TextStyle font​( fontData)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font changed to the argument.
    TextStyle fontHeight​(int height)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font height changed to the argument.
    TextStyle fontName​(java.lang.String name)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font name changed to the argument.
    TextStyle fontStyle​(int style)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font style changed to the argument.
    TextStyle foreground​(int rgb)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the color described by the argument.
    TextStyle foreground​(int red, int green, int blue)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the color described by the arguments.
    TextStyle foreground​( foreground)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the argument.
    int getAlignment()
    Returns the text alignment. getBackground()
    Returns the text background color. getFontData()
    Returns the font applied to the text. getForeground()
    Returns the text foreground color.
    boolean getStrikeout()
    Returns the strikeout flag.
    boolean getUnderline()
    Returns the underline flag.
    int hashCode()  
    TextStyle strikeout()
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the strikeout flag set to true.
    TextStyle strikeout​(boolean strikeout)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the strikeout flag set to the argument.
    TextStyle underline()
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the underline flag set to true.
    TextStyle underline​(boolean underline)
    Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the underline flag set to the argument.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • TextStyle

      public TextStyle()
      Constructs a new TextStyle with default font (device-dependent), black foreground, transparent background, default alignment, and the strikeout and underline flags set to false.
  • Method Details

    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • font

      public TextStyle font​(java.lang.String name, int height, int style)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font changed to the font described by the arguments. This method is equivalent to calling font( new FontData( name, height, style ) ).
      name - the name of the font (must not be null)
      height - the font height in points
      style - a bit or combination of NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the font changed to the font described by the arguments.
    • font

      public TextStyle font​( fontData)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font changed to the argument.
      fontData - the new font. A null value causes the font to be inherited from the enclosing elements of the document.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the font changed to the argument.
    • fontName

      public TextStyle fontName​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font name changed to the argument.
      name - the new font name (must not be null)
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the font name changed to the argument.
    • fontHeight

      public TextStyle fontHeight​(int height)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font height changed to the argument.
      height - the new font height in points
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the font height changed to the argument.
    • fontStyle

      public TextStyle fontStyle​(int style)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the font style changed to the argument.
      style - a bit or combination of NORMAL, BOLD, ITALIC
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the font style changed to the argument.
    • foreground

      public TextStyle foreground​( foreground)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the argument.
      foreground - the new foreground. A null value causes the foreground to be inherited from the enclosing elements of the document.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the argument.
    • foreground

      public TextStyle foreground​(int red, int green, int blue)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the color described by the arguments. This method is equivalent to calling foreground(new RGB(red, green, blue)).
      red - the red component of the new foreground color
      green - the green component of the new foreground color
      blue - the blue component of the new foreground color
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the color described by the arguments.
    • foreground

      public TextStyle foreground​(int rgb)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the color described by the argument.
      rgb - an integer containing the red, green and blue components in the 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, and 0x0000FF positions, respectively.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the foreground changed to the color described by the argument.
    • background

      public TextStyle background​( background)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the argument.
      background - the new background. A null value causes the text background to be transparent.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the argument.
    • background

      public TextStyle background​(int red, int green, int blue)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the color described by the arguments. This method is equivalent to calling background(new RGB(red, green, blue)
      red - the red component of the new background color
      green - the green component of the new background color
      blue - the blue component of the new background color
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the color described by the arguments.
    • background

      public TextStyle background​(int rgb)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the color described by the argument.
      rgb - an integer containing the red, green and blue components in the 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, and 0x0000FF positions, respectively.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the background changed to the color described by the argument.
    • align

      public TextStyle align​(int alignment)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the alignment changed to the argument.
      alignment - the new alignment. Must be one of SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, or SWT.RIGHT. Invalid values will be changed to SWT.LEFT.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the alignment changed to the argument.
    • underline

      public TextStyle underline()
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the underline flag set to true.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the underline flag set to true.
    • underline

      public TextStyle underline​(boolean underline)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the underline flag set to the argument.
      underline - the new underline flag.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the underline flag set to the argument.
    • strikeout

      public TextStyle strikeout()
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the strikeout flag set to true.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the strikeout flag set to true.
    • strikeout

      public TextStyle strikeout​(boolean strikeout)
      Returns a copy of this TextStyle, with the strikeout flag set to the argument.
      strikeout - the new strikeout flag.
      a copy of this TextStyle, with the strikeout flag set to the argument.
    • getFontData

      public getFontData()
      Returns the font applied to the text.
      the font applied to the text.
    • getForeground

      public getForeground()
      Returns the text foreground color. A null value indicates that the foreground color will be inherited from the enclosing elements of the document.
      the text foreground color.
    • getBackground

      public getBackground()
      Returns the text background color. A null value indicates that the background will be transparent.
      the text background color. A null value indicates that the background will be transparent.
    • getAlignment

      public int getAlignment()
      Returns the text alignment. Possible values include SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, or SWT.RIGHT.
      the text alignment.
    • getUnderline

      public boolean getUnderline()
      Returns the underline flag.
      the underline flag.
    • getStrikeout

      public boolean getStrikeout()
      Returns the strikeout flag.
      the strikeout flag.
    • create

      public TextPrint create​(java.lang.String text)
      Returns a TextPrint of the given text in this text style
      text - the text
      a TextPrint of the given text in this text style