Nebula Snippets
For information on snippets, and how to run a snippet, Please see the SWT Snippets page.
- There are no snippets available at this time.
- Textual selector with a Spinner
- Drop-down Combo with Calendar and Analog Time selector (Compact style)
- Graphical Calendar selector
- Drop-down Combo with Discrete Time selector
- Other Snippets - 1
- Other Snippets - 2
- A CompositeTable displaying a header and some row controls but no data
- A CompositeTable displaying first/last name pairs
- A CompositeTable editing first/last name pairs
- A CompositeTable editing, inserting, and deleting first/last name pairs
- A CompositeTable listing first/last name pairs, emulating SWT.FULL_SELECTION
- A CompositeTable listing first/last name pairs, utilizing a native header control, allowing sorting by clicking columns and allowing columns to be resized by dragging in the header
- A CompositeTable editing a name/address block
- DayEditorSnippet
- MonthCalendarSnippet
- Other Snippets
- All default settings
- Border, blue theme, week numbers and footer
- Multi selection, selection listener
- Navigation controlled by program
- A custom default theme
- Other Snippets
FormattedText (DateFormatter)
FormattedText (NumberFormatter)
- Default Locale US, given fixed mask, no default value
- Locale FR, default fixed mask, no default value
- Default Locale and mask, variable length in the integer part, value is provided
- Get and set value between to fields having same edit and display masks for two differents Locale (US and FR)
- Default Locale US, given fixed mask, no default value
- Other Snippets
- Connected events
- Scope Example
- Gantt Group example
- Event text alignment
- A bit of everything the chart can do
- Gantt Sections example
- Gantt Layers example
- Linking the Gantt chart with a tree
- Other Snippets
- A simple hierarchical grid
- create an item that spans columns
- put a checkbox in the second column
- create a static column group
- create a collapsible column group
- create a collapsible column group that swaps columns
- Other Snippets
- Get this first, the other snippets rely on it
- Shows many random scopes
- Show a single random scope
- Scope with empty stack listener
- Other Snippets
STW - SWT Transition Widget
- Perform transitions on a button
- Perform transitions on tabs of a TabFolder
- Perform transitions on images
- Other Snippets
- An example that shows the features of the TableCombo
- An example that shows the features of the TableComboViewer
- JFace viewer using provided model classes for events and data binding.
- JFace viewer using custom ContentProvider/LabelProvider.
- Programmatic access to the Composite directly without JFace layer.
- XViewer examples are provided within the source code. See Getting Started for more information on how to setup and run.
- Simple XY Graph
- Simple XY Graph Graph with toolbar
- Bar Chart
- A comprehensive XY Graph
- Intensity Graph
- Gauge
- Knob
- Meter
- Progress Bar
- Scaled Slider
- Tank
- Thermometer
- Multiple widgets