Nebula PaperClips Printing Library

PaperClips is a simple, light weight, extensible Java printing library for SWT. PaperClips hides the complexity of laying out and rendering documents on the printer, helping you focus on what to print instead of how to print it.
In a nutshell, PaperClips provides an assortment of document "building blocks," which you can tweak and combine to form a custom document. The assembled document is then sent to PaperClips for printing. PaperClips includes support for printing text, images, borders, headers and footers, column layouts and grid layouts, to name a few. It can also be extended with your own printable classes.
With PaperClips you do not have to track cursors, calculate line breaking, fool around with font metrics, or manage system resources--it's all handled internally. And unlike report-generation tools, you are not constrained to a predefined document structure (like report bands). Every document is custom and the layout is up to you.
- Java 1.4 or later
- SWT 3.2 or later
PaperClips may be used as an Eclipse plug-in or as a regular Jar (provided the SWT libraries are on the classpath).
The Nebula PaperClips library has a stable API and is used in various production environments.