Class GuestOSMemoryUsage

  • public final class GuestOSMemoryUsage
    extends Object
    This provides a snapshot of the Guest (Virtual Machine(VM)/Logical Partition(LPAR)) Memory usage statistics as seen by the Hypervisor Host. The supported Operating System and Hypervisor combinations are:
    1. Linux and Windows on VMWare (IBM Java 8 only).
    2. AIX and Linux on PowerVM.
    3. Linux and z/OS on z/VM.
    4. Guest Operating System memory usage statistics are not available on Linux for PowerKVM.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GuestOSMemoryUsage

        public GuestOSMemoryUsage()
        Creates a new GuestOSMemoryUsage instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getMemUsed

        public long getMemUsed()
        The total Memory used by the Guest as reported by the Hypervisor in MB.
        Current used Memory by the Guest in MB or -1 if info not available.
      • getTimestamp

        public long getTimestamp()
        The timestamp when the usage statistics were last sampled in microseconds.
        The last sampling timestamp in microseconds.
      • getMaxMemLimit

        public long getMaxMemLimit()
        The amount of real Memory allowed to be used by the Guest as reported by the Hypervisor in MB.
        Max Memory that can be used by the Guest in MB or -1 if info not available or if no limit has been set.