Interface SharedClassURLHelper

All Superinterfaces:
SharedClassHelper, SharedHelper

public interface SharedClassURLHelper extends SharedClassHelper

SharedClassHelper API that stores and finds classes by using URL paths.


A SharedClassURLHelper is obtained by calling getURLHelper(ClassLoader) on a SharedClassHelperFactory.

The SharedClassURLHelper is designed for ClassLoaders that load classes from many different locations, without the concept of a classpath. A ClassLoader may find and store classes in the cache using any URL.


The ClassLoader should call findSharedClass after looking in its local cache and asking its parent (if one exists). If findSharedClass does not return null, the ClassLoader calls defineClass on the byte[] that is returned.

The ClassLoader calls storeSharedClass immediately after a class is defined, unless the class that is being defined was loaded from the shared cache.

If partitions are required, the ClassLoader is responsible for coordinating the creation and use of partition Strings.

Classes can be stored only by using URLs that have file or jar protocols, and that refer to existing resources. The presence of any other protocol in a URL prevents SharedClassURLHelper from locating and storing classes in the shared cache.

Dynamic Cache Updates

Because the shared cache persists beyond the lifetime of a JVM, classes in the shared cache can become out of date (stale).

Classes in the cache are automatically kept up to date by default:

If findSharedClass is called for a class that exists in the cache but which has been updated on the filesystem since it was stored, then the old version in the cache is automatically marked stale and findSharedClass returns null. The ClassLoader should then store the updated version of the class.

Note that jar/zip updates will cause all cache entries that are loaded from that jar/zip to be marked stale.

(This behaviour can be disabled by using the correct command-line option. See -Xshareclasses:help)

It is also assumed that the ClassLoader maintains a read lock on jar/zip files opened during its lifetime, preventing their modification. This prevents the cache from having to constantly check for updates.


A partition can be used when finding or storing a class, which allows modified versions of the same class to be stored in the cache, effectively creating partitions in the cache.

Partitions are designed for bytecode modification such as the use of Aspects. It is the responsibility of the ClassLoader to create partitions that describe the type of modification performed on the class bytes.

If a class is updated on the filesystem and automatic dynamic updates are enabled, then all versions of the class across all partitions will be marked stale.

Class metadata

A ClassLoader might create metadata when loading and defining classes, such as a jar manifest or security data. None of this metadata can be stored in the cache, so if a ClassLoader is finding classes in the shared cache, it must load any metadata that it needs from disk before defining the classes.


A SharedClassHelper will only allow classes that were defined by the ClassLoader that owns the SharedClassHelper to be stored in the cache.

If a SecurityManager is installed, SharedClassPermissions must be used to permit read/write access to the shared class cache. Permissions are granted by ClassLoader classname in the java.policy file and are fixed when the SharedClassHelper is created.

Note also that if the createClassLoader RuntimePermission is not granted, ClassLoaders cannot be created, which in turn means that SharedClassHelpers cannot be created.

Compatibility with other SharedClassHelpers

Classes stored by using the SharedClassURLHelper can be retrieved by using the SharedClassURLClasspathHelper and vice versa. This is also true for partitions that can be used across these two helpers.

See Also: