Interface Builder

All Known Implementing Classes:
Builder, DTFJLibraryAdapter

public interface Builder
  • Method Details

    • buildProcess

      Object buildProcess(Object addressSpace, String pid, String commandLine, Properties environment, Object currentThread, Iterator threads, Object executable, Iterator libraries, int addressSize)
    • buildAddressSpace

      Object buildAddressSpace(String name, int id)
    • buildRegister

      Object buildRegister(String name, Number value)
    • buildStackSection

      Object buildStackSection(Object addressSpace, long stackStart, long stackEnd)
    • buildThread

      Object buildThread(String name, Iterator registers, Iterator stackSections, Iterator stackFrames, Properties properties, int signalNumber)
    • buildModuleSection

      Object buildModuleSection(Object addressSpace, String name, long imageStart, long imageEnd)
    • buildModule

      Object buildModule(String name, Properties properties, Iterator sections, Iterator symbols, long startAddress)
    • buildStackFrame

      Object buildStackFrame(Object addressSpace, long stackBasePointer, long pc)
    • buildSymbol

      Object buildSymbol(Object addressSpace, String functionName, long relocatedFunctionAddress)
    • buildCorruptData

      Object buildCorruptData(Object addressSpace, String message, long address)
    • openFile

      ClosingFileReader openFile(String filename) throws IOException
    • getEnvironmentAddress

      long getEnvironmentAddress()
    • getValueOfNamedRegister

      long getValueOfNamedRegister(List registers, String string)
    • setExecutableUnavailable

      void setExecutableUnavailable(String description)
      Called to inform the builder that the executable data cannot be trusted. Note that this also set the libraries unavailable as a side-effect
      description -
    • setCPUType

      void setCPUType(String cpuType)
    • setCPUSubType

      void setCPUSubType(String subType)
    • setCreationTime

      void setCreationTime(long millis)
    • setOSType

      void setOSType(String osType)