Class Image

All Implemented Interfaces:
Image, ReleasingImage, ManagedImage

public class Image extends Object implements ReleasingImage, ManagedImage
  • Constructor Details

    • Image

      public Image(String osType, String osSubType, String cpuType, String cpuSubType, int cpuCount, long bytesMem, long creationTime)
  • Method Details

    • getAddressSpaces

      public Iterator getAddressSpaces()
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the set of address spaces within the image - typically one but may be more on some systems such as Z/OS.
      Specified by:
      getAddressSpaces in interface Image
      an Iterator which iterates over all of the address spaces described by this Image
      See Also:
    • getProcessorType

      public String getProcessorType() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the family name for the processor on which the image was running.
      Specified by:
      getProcessorType in interface Image
      the family name for the processor on which the image was running. This corresponds to the value you would find in the "os.arch" System property.
      DataUnavailable - if this data cannot be inferred from this core type
      CorruptDataException - if expected data cannot be read from the core
    • getProcessorSubType

      public String getProcessorSubType() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the precise model of the CPU.
      Specified by:
      getProcessorSubType in interface Image
      the precise model of the CPU (note that this can be an empty string but not null).
      e.g. getProcessorType() will return x86 where getProcessorSubType() may return Pentium IV step 4

      Note that this value is platform and implementation dependent.

    • getProcessorCount

      public int getProcessorCount() throws DataUnavailable
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the number of CPUs running in the system on which the image was running.
      Specified by:
      getProcessorCount in interface Image
      the number of CPUs running in the system on which the image was running
      DataUnavailable - if the information cannot be provided
    • getSystemType

      public String getSystemType() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the family name for the operating system.
      Specified by:
      getSystemType in interface Image
      the family name for the operating system. This should be the same value that would be returned for the "" system property
      DataUnavailable - if this data cannot be inferred from this core type
      CorruptDataException - if expected data cannot be read from the core
    • getSystemSubType

      public String getSystemSubType() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the detailed name of the operating system.
      Specified by:
      getSystemSubType in interface Image
      the detailed name of the operating system, or an empty string if this information is not available (null will never be returned). This should be the same value that would be returned for the "os.version" system property
    • getInstalledMemory

      public long getInstalledMemory() throws DataUnavailable
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the amount of physical memory (in bytes) installed in the system on which the image was running.
      Specified by:
      getInstalledMemory in interface Image
      the amount of physical memory installed in the system on which the image was running. The return value is specified in bytes.
      DataUnavailable - if the information cannot be provided
    • getCreationTime

      public long getCreationTime() throws DataUnavailable
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the time when the image was created
      Specified by:
      getCreationTime in interface Image
      the image creation time in milliseconds since 1970
    • addAddressSpace

      public void addAddressSpace(ImageAddressSpace addressSpace)
    • getHostName

      public String getHostName() throws DataUnavailable
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the host name of the system where the image was running.
      Specified by:
      getHostName in interface Image
      The host name of the system where the image was running. This string will be non-null and non-empty
      DataUnavailable - If the image did not provide this information (would happen if the system did not know its host name or if the image predated this feature).
    • getIPAddresses

      public Iterator getIPAddresses() throws DataUnavailable
      Description copied from interface: Image
      The set of IP addresses (as InetAddresses) which the system running the image possessed.
      Specified by:
      getIPAddresses in interface Image
      An Iterator over the IP addresses (as InetAddresses) which the system running the image possessed. The iterator will be non-null (but can be empty if the host is known to have no IP addresses).
      DataUnavailable - If the image did not provide this information (would happen if the system failed to look them up or if the image pre-dated this feature).
      See Also:
    • setHostName

      public void setHostName(String hostname)
    • addIPAddress

      public void addIPAddress(Object newAddress)
    • addReleasable

      public void addReleasable(ResourceReleaser o)
      Specified by:
      addReleasable in interface ReleasingImage
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: Image

      Close this image and any associated resources.

      Some kinds of Image require the generation of temporary resources, for example temporary files created when reading core files and libraries from .zip archives. Ordinarily, these resources are deleted at JVM shutdown, but DTFJ applications may want to free them earlier. This method should only be called when the Image is no longer needed. After this method has been called, any objects associated with the image will be in an invalid state.

      Specified by:
      close in interface Image
    • finalize

      protected void finalize() throws Throwable
      Description copied from class: java.lang.Object
      Called by the virtual machine when there are no longer any (non-weak) references to the receiver. Subclasses can use this facility to guarantee that any associated resources are cleaned up before the receiver is garbage collected. Uncaught exceptions which are thrown during the running of the method cause it to terminate immediately, but are otherwise ignored.

      Note: The virtual machine assumes that the implementation in class Object is empty.

      finalize in class Object
      Throwable - The virtual machine ignores any exceptions which are thrown during finalization.
    • getProperties

      public Properties getProperties()
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Gets the OS specific properties for this image.
      Specified by:
      getProperties in interface Image
      a set of OS specific properties
    • SetSource

      public void SetSource(URI source)
    • getSource

      public URI getSource()
      Description copied from interface: Image
      A unique identifier for the source of this image
      Specified by:
      getSource in interface Image
      URI for this image or null if this was not used when the image was created.
    • getImageSource

      public ManagedImageSource getImageSource()
      Specified by:
      getImageSource in interface ManagedImage
    • setImageSource

      public void setImageSource(ManagedImageSource source)
      Specified by:
      setImageSource in interface ManagedImage
    • getCreationTimeNanos

      public long getCreationTimeNanos() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
      Description copied from interface: Image
      Get the value of the JVM's high-resolution timer when the image was created.
      Specified by:
      getCreationTimeNanos in interface Image
      the value of the high-resolution timer, in nanoseconds
      DataUnavailable - if the image creation time is not available
      CorruptDataException - if the image creation time is corrupted