
Contains a set of classes which allow an Android App to communicate with an MQTT server using an Android Service.

See: Description

Package Description

Contains a set of classes which allow an Android App to communicate with an MQTT server using an Android Service.

The Android environment requires that a Service is used to support such things as a long-lasting network connection.
This package provides the classes need to implement such a Service to interact with MQTT, together with an implementation of the IMqttAsyncClient interface which uses the Service to implement the interface operations.

The Service returns results via the Android Intent mechanism. The MqttAndroidClient class shows how the interaction is managed

Note: An App which uses this service must include the appropriate Service tag in its manifest - e.g.

       ‹!-- Mqtt Service --›
       ‹service android:name="" /›

Note regarding network connectivity

The service does not attempt to track network state and automatically reconnect to MQTT servers as connectivity is lost and regained While this is clearly possible, determining appropriate behaviour presents certain challenges.
Any maintainer adding support for such functionality should look to providing a BroadcastReceiver for ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION probably as part of the MqttService object.
Changes in network connectivity would then need to be notified to the relevant MqttConnection objects.

The behaviour in response to changes in network connectivity would need to be considered in some detail - for example :-