In order to develop the SysML 1.4 application, the developer team has choosen to use a model based approach. At least, it is used to gather all requirements in different SysML 1.1 models.

A first model of requirement has been made by extracting all basic requirements from the Norm. Each section of the norm described in the table of content has been extracted as a requirement.

This model is located here core/org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml14/doc/omg.sysml.uml

New requirements, through the use of papyrus Req plugin, are created in each SysML 1.1 model located in the doc folder of each module. They should use the "DeriveReqt" link.

Finaly you could reference your requirement anywhere in your code, document by using the following convention:

@pap.req ${Model.ID}#{Req.ID}

The goal is to have a tool, plugin that will be able to parse this snipped of code to link it to the model, and eventually open the model.


Zoom on OMG SYSML Requirement Model

Pay attention to the ID, NAME and the TEXT, that have been normalized.


Pay attention to the ID, it has to be uniq, it is generated by the Papyrus Req plugin: /org.eclipse.papyrus/extraplugins/req/org.eclipse.papyrus.req.reqif

Papyrus Req plugin is an extra plugin of Papyrus project, you have to download it and install it in your own Eclipse instalaltion. Then when opening a requirment diagram, you will have a new right-click menu thta allows you to create directly new derived requirement from an initial requirement. It will compute automatically the identifier and pre-fill the text.


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Version: 0.8.0. Last Published: 2015-12-10.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.