Who is in charge of?

Commiter + a basic developer in order to transfer knowledge and improve the process.


when you need it, on a regular basis, every two month.

How long?

It last at least 120mn



Have the Hudson acess


You can send an email to the developers mailing list.


sop5.0: Create a bugzilla ticket.

sop5.1: No critical bugs open for the release you are targeting

sop5.2: Jobs (master,website,quality,deploy) are green

sop5.3: Initial Version should match qualifier and -SNAPSHOT

sop5.4: Upgrade the version of application

use tycho-versions plugin

mvn tycho:bvvbvbv

check the different pom.xml and MANIFEST.MF

You have to manually update the category.xml at /org.eclipse.papyrus-sysml/releng/org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml14.p2/category.xml

sop5.4: Push on gerrit the different modifications

Who: non commityer action

egit or others.

sop5.5: Accept the changes

Who: commityer action

gerrit web action.

sop5.6: Tag the release

Who: commiter action


sop5.7: Deploy the product (update site and the rcp and the web site)

Who: uncommiter action

how: job on hudson1

how2: website to determine


You can send an email to the developers mailing list


mvn clean -Pproduct,documentation,documentation-pdf,web.release -Dpassword=xxxx -Dusername=bmaggi;
mvn install site site:stage-deploy scm-publish:publish-scm -Pproduct,documentation,documentation-pdf,web.release -Dmaven.clean.skip=true -DsiteMainDirectory=/export/home/flefevre/git/org.eclipse.papyrus-sysml/target/site-staging -Dpassword=xxxx -Dusername=bmaggi

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Version: 0.8.0. Last Published: 2015-12-10.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.