Folder Contexts
If you need to prepare your AUT workspace you use a Workspace context Workspace context which places files on a workspace before a test execution. But sometimes you may need to put data somewhere outside your AUT workspace - anywhere on your disc space. Folder Context was coined for this purpose. When applied it puts files into a selected root folder.

Above is a Folder Context which puts img1.jpg and img2.jpg files in a TestData folder on a C disc.
You can also add a folder with files:
TestImages folder with 2 files will be added to a root location when the context above is applied.
Root Path
Folder context can use a relative path to a current User Directory or to AUT workspace.
Let’s say you need to place img1 and img2 files into C://CurrentUserDirectory/TestData/. When you select it as a root path you will see that RCPTT replaces it with home://TestData/
Which means that a folder context will pass regardless of the Current User Directory name.
Likewise, AUT workspace path is replaced with workspace:// which makes Folder Context act almost like a Workspace context:
If there is no TestData folder - it will be created.
If there already is TestData folder - its content will be merged with a context content (only if Clear root folder option is disabled).
Even without Clear root folder option, some of existing content may be overwritten and lost during merge operation.
Clear root folder option
Like in a Workspace context there is an option - Clear root
folder before context application (disabled when the context is created).
When the context above is applied all TestData content is deleted and then TestImages folder with img1, img2 files are placed there.
Please be careful with root folder path - once you set something like home:// or file://C:/ and enable Clear root folder option - all your root content will be completely deleted once a context is applied. Please make sure that your root path is followed by any other folder like home://TestData.
Test example: File Import
Let’s say you need to test that file import works correctly. To do this you’re going to import two files from a //Desktop/TestData into your Project1 using a Resource Perspective.
You need the following contexts for your test:
Workspace context
Workspace context - to clear your AUT workspace and put Project1 there:
Workbench context
Workbench context - to open a Resource Perspective with Project Explorer view:
Folder context
Folder Context - to put files for import into a home://Desktop/TestData folder (or to create this folder if there’s no any):
Next, create a test case and add these three contexts into it and start recording - the contexts will be applied to make everything ready for a file Import:
Do not forget to add an assertion to verify that the images were successfully imported into a Project1 (see the selected script).