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Workspace contexts are used to control the state of an application workspace.
Context name. This name is automatically synced with file system name. Symbols in name which are not allowed in file names are replaced with underscore character.
Comma-separated list of arbitrary hierarchical tags, i.e. resourcePerspective, jira/PC-1352, windows-only
Use this button to open tag selection dialog with list of tags from another test resources.
Make a snapshot of all projects inside AUT workspace and copy them into this context. Previous contents of this workspace context is overridden with new projects.
Copies given projects into AUT workspace. If
Clear workspace option is on, removes existing projects from AUT at first.
Arbitrary plain text associated with a context.
Click this button to erase current description contents
Turned on by default. Whether existing projects should be removed before applying new ones.
Clear workspace is on, this option allows to specify a list of projects, which should be kept intact in AUT workspace.
Projects in current context
Create new general project without any nature
Create new empty folder in currently selected project/folder
Pretty much the same as Eclipse's standard Project/Filesystem import wizards, but imported resources go directly inside Workspace context, not inside RCPTT workspace.
Instead of embedding contents inside workspace context, put links on resources from RCPTT workspace. This is particularly useful when resources for AUT need to be modified often, or used somewhere else.
Removes selected resource(s) from workspace context
Opens a file selected in context in a text editor. This may be useful for examining file contents, but at the moment file cannot be modified and saved
Workspace Contexts prepare the initial workspace content for your test case.
A Workspace Context contains projects and files you need to place on your workspace before running your test. It can also clear the workspace before placing new files. That is, if the
Clear workspace option is turned on, the Workspace context just replaces the entire workspace contents.
Otherwise it verifies that all of its items are present in the workspace and have the same properties. If not, it creates missing items or replaces modified items correspondingly.
The Workspace Context editor allows either to manually construct/modify the content of your Context or capture the workspace state from the AUT.
With the
Capture button in the upper-right corner above the Context name field you can capture the current state of the AUT workspace. With a single click all the project with all their files and subfolders will be added to your Context.
Otherwise, you can manually add/import Projects and Files using the corresponding buttons.