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Test Case Editor

Test case editor is the main editor for creating, running and executing test cases. Hover mouse cursor over the screenshot below to get context help.

Test case name. This name is automatically synced with file system name. Symbols in name which are not allowed in file names are replaced with underscore character.
Comma-separated list of arbitrary hierarchical tags, i.e. resourcePerspective, jira/PC-1352, windows-only
Use this button to open tag selection dialog with list of tags from another test resources.
Record test case. Before recording starts, all contexts added to this test case are applied. If test case script is not empty, existing script is replayed first and newly recorded actions are being appended at the end of a script.
Replay test case. Result is displayed in Execution view.
Arbitrary plain text associated with a test case, for example steps this test performs. It might be convenient to outline test case plan in description and follow it during recording (use Description tab of Control Panel.
Click this button to erase current description contents
Put a link on bugtracker or shared test plan here

Context area lists current contexts. Drag contexts to change their order, drop contexts from Test Explorer to add. When test case is executed, contexts are applied in order they listed.

Sometimes context order is important – for instance, if a workbench context opens a file in editor, usually workspace context ensuring this file exists should go before workbench context.

Opens context selection dialog
Removes selected context(s)
Moves selected context up
Moves selected context down
Open project settings editor
Test case script section. Script contents can be recorded or written manually from scratch. Hover a command with a mouse to get its documentation. Use Ctrl+Space for completion.
Click this button to erase current script contents
Configure test case verifications.

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