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Error Log Verifications

Verification name. This name is automatically synced with file system name. Symbols in name which are not allowed in file names are replaced with underscore character.
Comma-separated list of arbitrary hierarchical tags, i.e. resourcePerspective, jira/PC-1352, windows-only
Make a snapshot of all Error Log messages which are thrown during the last test case execution.
Disabled for Error Log Verification
Define the Error Log messages which are required here. Regular expressions are supported. You can drag and drop message patterns from one rule area to another.
Add new message pattern
Remove selected message pattern(s)
Change the order of patterns.
Define the Error Log messages which are allowed here. Regular expressions are supported. You can drag and drop message patterns from one rule area to another.
Define the Error Log messages which are not allowed here. Regular expressions are supported. You can drag and drop message patterns from one rule area to another.

Error Log Verification editor allows to define a set of rules which are used to check the changes of AUT Error Log during a test case execution. You can describe which messages are allowed/required/denied by adding corresponding message patterns. Regular expressions are supported for Plugin Pattern/Message Pattern fields.

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