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Execution Time Verifications

Verification name. This name is automatically synced with file system name. Symbols in name which are not allowed in file names are replaced with underscore character.
Comma-separated list of arbitrary hierarchical tags, i.e. resourcePerspective, jira/PC-1352, windows-only
Disabled for time verification
Disabled for time verification
Verification checks that a test case is executed no longer than specified amount of time
Disabled by default. If this option is on, verification checks the test execution time including a time of contexts execution

Execution time verification can be used for performance testing. Being added to a test case verification makes sure that test case execution taked no longer then a specified amount of time.

Please note that there is a launch timeout for a test case execution in RCP TT Preferences (300 sec by default). If your test case needs to be executed for longer - you need to change timeout value. When the configured timeout is reached, test will be aborted independently of time verification configuration.

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