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Verification name. This name is automatically synced with file system name. Symbols in name which are not allowed in file names are replaced with
underscore character.
Comma-separated list of arbitrary hierarchical tags, i.e. resourcePerspective, jira/PC-1352, windows-only
Make a snapshot of AUT widget defined in
Widget field and copy it into verification.
Verifies whether AUT tree/table defined in
Widget matches the tree/table from a verification.
AUT tree/table widget for verification. You can set the value manually or using
Pick... button.
Styles option for verification. Can be All/Ignore Styles/Ignore Styled Text.
Turned on by default. If this option is off - verification fails if there are uncaptured children in AUT tree.
Turned on by default. If this option is off - verification ignores icons.
Captured tree/table.
Tree/Table verification is the most convenient way to assert the whole tree/table state at the end of the test case.
It is simpler than ECL assertions, where you explicitly select a separate tree/table items to verify their properties.
Style verification options
There are three options for style verification:
Ignore Styles
Ignore Styled text
Tree appearance is verified as is:
Verification fails if text style or content changes.
Ignore Styles
Styled text is verified as a plain text:
Verification fails if text content changes. Any style is accepted.
Ignore Styled Text
If there is a styled text - it will be ignored:
Verification fails if any unstyled text changed. Styled text may have any styles or content.