Release Notes for Sirius

  1. Release Notes for Sirius
    1. Changes in Sirius 6.0.2
    2. Changes in Sirius 6.0.1
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. Developer-Visible Changes
    3. Changes in Sirius 6.0.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. Developer-Visible Changes
    4. Changes in Sirius 5.1.1
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Developer-Visible Changes
    5. Changes in Sirius 5.1.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. Developer-Visible Changes
    6. Changes in Sirius 5.0.1
    7. Changes in Sirius 5.0.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Developer-Visible Changes
      3. Specifier-Visible Changes

This document contains the release notes for recent major releases of Sirius. See also the release notes from previous versions for details about older releases.

Changes in Sirius 6.0.2

Sirius 6.0.2 fixes an important issue which is present in all previous versions of Sirius but only manifests itself under Windows and when using Eclipse SimRel 2018-09 or later (technically, the bug appear when using Sirius with JFace 3.14.100 or later). The symptom is that the Model Explorer view fails to initialize with an error message about a ClassCastException.

Changes in Sirius 6.0.1

Sirius 6.0.1 is a service release which contains only important bug fixes compared to version 6.0.0.

Note: The new (and still experimental) Workflow and Server features depend on a specific version of Eclipse Jetty which is available in the main Eclipse Photon repository. They can not be used under Oxygen (which include older and incompatible versions of Jetty).

User-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in Sirius 6.0.0

User-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in

Changes in


Translation Keys Changes

Changes in Sirius 5.1.1

User-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui


Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in


Changes in Sirius 5.1.0

User-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes


Translation Keys Changes

See this document for the complete list of message keys added or removed in Sirius 5.0.

Representations lazy loading (experimental).

A new mode (currently experimental) is available to load representations on demand and not during session opening. This feature implies to serialize Sirius representations in separate resources. This mode can be activated by setting the system property createLocalRepresentationInSeparateResource at true. For more detail, see the developer documentation: Representations lazy loading (experimental).

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ext.emf.edit

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor

Changes in Sirius 5.0.1

Sirius 5.0.1 is a maintenance release with only bugfixes and small tweaks to the UI of the aird editor.

Changes in Sirius 5.0.0

User-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes


Translation Keys Changes

See this document for the complete list of message keys added or removed in Sirius 5.0.

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.table

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.tree.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor

This plugin is new in Sirius 5.0. It provides a session editor showing loaded models, representations and viewpoint activation status of the session. It has functionalities allowing to change the viewpoint activation status, to create/remove representations or to load unload external models. The graphical block showing loaded models is integrated with CNF. You can provide content extension to its viewer by using an id matching the pattern org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.graphicalcomponents.semanticModelsViewer.contentExtension.*. You also can provide action extension by using an id matching the pattern org.eclipse.sirius.ui.editor.graphicalcomponents.semanticModelsViewer.actionExtension.*. The extension will be selectable/unselectable by using a Customize View button on the models block header.

Changes in

Changes in

Changes in

Changes in

Changes in

final AtomicBoolean dragFinished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
editor.dragWithKey(start.x, start.y, endpoint.x, endpoint.y, SWT.F3, dragFinished);
// Wait that the drag is done (the async Runnable simulating the
// drag)
bot.waitUntil(new ICondition() {
    public boolean test() throws Exception {
        return dragFinished.get();

    public void init(SWTBot bot) {

    public String getFailureMessage() {
        return "The drag'n'drop operation has not finished.";
// Wait that the figures are redrawn. In a fast environment, figures
// are not really redrawn and the rest of the test is not reliable.