Project Configuration

Learn everything about Velocitas project configuration.

Every Vehicle App repo comes with a .velocitas.json which is the project configuration of your app. It holds references to the packages and their respective versions as well as components you are using in your project.

Here is an example of this configuration:

    "packages": {
        "devenv-runtimes": "v3.1.0",
        "devenv-devcontainer-setup": "v2.1.0"
    "components": [
    "variables": {
        "language": "python",
        "repoType": "app",
        "appManifestPath": "app/AppManifest.json",
        "githubRepoId": "eclipse-velocitas/vehicle-app-python-template",
        "generatedModelPath": "./gen/vehicle_model"
    "cliVersion": "v0.9.0"

More detailed information and explanation about the project configuration and fields of the .velocitas.json can be found here .

Next steps

Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)