Vehicle Model Creation

Learn how creation of vehicle models work and how to adapt it to your needs.

A Vehicle Model makes it possible to easily get vehicle data from the KUKSA Databroker and to execute remote procedure calls over gRPC against Vehicle Services and other Vehicle Apps. It is generated from the underlying semantic models based e.g. on the COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) . The model is generated for a concrete programming language as a graph-based, strongly-typed, intellisense-enabled library providing vehicle abstraction “on code level”.

By default our app templates now generate the vehicle model during the devContainer initialization - managed by the Velocitas life cycle management. The respective VSS-based model source is referenced in the app manifest allowing to freely choose the model being used in your project. You will find more details about this in section Automated Model Lifecycle .

The previous approach, using pre-generated model repositories, is deprecated as of now. But is still available and is described in section Manual Vehicle Model Creation . Please be aware, that you would either have to use template versions before the above mentioned release, or you need to adapt the newer versions of the template using the old approach.

Automated Vehicle Model Lifecycle

Learn how to refer a model source and how the automated model lifecycle is working.

Manual Vehicle Model Creation

Learn how to manually create a vehicle model to access vehicle data or execute remote procedure calls.

Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)