Repository Overview

The repositories of the Eclipse Velocitas and their relations between each other

Project Overview

Repository Description
vehicle-app-python-template GitHub Template repository contains an exemplary Vehicle App that uses an exemplary SDK to provide access to vehicle data points and methods. The sample SDK extends the sdv-vehicle-app-python-sdk. In addition the template repository contains the development environment for Visual Studio Code for a Vehicle App as well as the CI/CD workflows that can be used as blueprint for your own Vehicle App written in Python.
vehicle-app-python-sdk Provides basic functionality to write a SDK to allow access to vehicle data points and method. This includes publishing & subscribe messaging, VehicleApp API, vehicle data model ontology and function-based query & rule support.
vehicle-model-python Basic vehicle model for Python is generated from VSS with addition of some specialized vehicle services.
vehicle-app-cpp-template GitHub Template repository contains an exemplary Vehicle App that uses an exemplary SDK to provide access to vehicle data points and methods. The sample SDK extends the sdv-vehicle-app-cpp-sdk. In addition the template repository contains the development environment for Visual Studio Code for a Vehicle App as well as the CI/CD workflows that can be used as blueprint for your own Vehicle App written in C++.
vehicle-app-cpp-sdk Provides basic functionality to write a SDK to allow access to vehicle data points and method. This includes publishing & subscribe messaging, VehicleApp API, vehicle data model ontology and function-based query & rule support.
vehicle-model-cpp Basic vehicle model for C++ is generated from VSS with addition of some specialized vehicle services.
kuksa-databroker Is a part of the Vehicle Abstraction Layer (VAL) of the Eclipse KUKSA project and provides the KUKSA Databroker. The KUKSA Databroker offers data points available in the vehicle to the Vehicle Apps semantically aligned to a data model like the Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) .
kuksa-can-provider The KUKSA CAN Provider is a generic data feeder that reads data from the vehicle’s CAN bus defined by a DBC file, maps them to a set of data points (e.g. according to the VSS) and feeds it into the Databroker.
kuksa-incubation Provides exemplary vehicle services and respective implementations that illustrates how to interact with in-vehicle components and services via an unified access.
release-documentation-action GitHub Action to generate a release documentation from the CI workflow output by rendering it to markdown files so that this can be easily published with GitHub Pages.
license-check GitHub Action to collect the licenses of the used components and can be configured to fail with an error message on invalid licenses.
vehicle-model-generator Provides basic functionality to create a vehicle model from the given vspec specification for the target programming
cli The CLI implements Velocitas lifecyle management concept of the development environment of a Vehicle App. It allows us to take care of the development environment while you focus on the business logic of your Vehicle App.
devcontainer-base-images Central configuration to create base docker images for specific languages to be used in devcontainer

Package Repositories

Repository Description
devenv-runtimes Central configuration for maintained runtime services
devenv-devcontainer-setup Central configuration for setting up devcontainer environment
devenv-github-workflows Central configuration for syncing github workflows
devenv-github-templates Central configuration for syncing github templates
devenv-runtime-local Central configuration for local runtime execution (deprecated)
devenv-runtime-k3d Central configuration for k3d runtime execution (deprecated)
Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)