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Vehicle App Manifest

Learn more about the Vehicle App Manifest.


  • v1
  • v2
  • v3 (current)


The AppManifest defines the properties of your Vehicle App and its functional interfaces (FIs).

FIs may be:

  • required service interfaces (e.g. a required gRPC service interface)
  • the used vehicle model and accessed data points.
  • an arbitrary abstract interface description used by 3rd parties

In addition to required FIs, provided FIs can (and need) to be specified as well.

These defined interfaces are then used by the Velocitas toolchain to:

  • generate service stubs for either a client implementation (required IF) or a server implementation (provided IF) (i.e. for gRPC)
  • generate a source code equivalent of the defined vehicle model


The image below depicts the interaction between App Manifest and DevEnv Configuration at -development time- The responsibilities are clearly separated; the App Manifest describes the application and its interfaces whereas DevEnv Configuration (or .velocitas.json) defines the configuration of the development environment and all the packages used by the Velocitas toolchain.



To fully understand the AppManifest, let’s have a look at who interacts with it:

Manifest Context


  • Define the requirements of a Vehicle App in an abstract way to avoid dependencies on concrete Runtime and Middleware configurations.
  • Description of your applications functional interfaces(VehicleModel, services, APIs, …)
  • Enable loose coupling of functional interface descriptions and the Velocitas toolchain. Some parts of the toolchain are responsible for reading the file and acting upon it, depending on the type of functional interface
  • Providing an extendable syntax to enable custom functional interface types which may not provided by the Velocitas toolchain itself, but by a third party
  • Providing a single source of truth for generation of deployment specifications (i.e. Kanto spec, etc…)


// AppManifest.json
  "manifestVersion": "v3",
  "name": "SampleApp",
  "interfaces": [
        "type": "vehicle-signal-interface",
        "config": {
            "src": "",
            "datapoints": {
                "required": [
                        "path": "Vehicle.Speed",
                        "optional": "true",
                        "access": "read",
                "provided": [
                        "path": "Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position",
        "type": "grpc-interface",
        "config": {
            "src": "",
            "required": {
                "methods": [ "Move", "MoveComponent" ]
        "type": "pubsub",
        "config": {
            "reads":  [ "sampleapp/getSpeed" ],
            "writes": [ "sampleapp/currentSpeed", "sampleapp/getSpeed/response" ]

The VehicleApp above has an:

  • interface towards our generated Vehicle Signal Interface based on the COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification . In particular, it requires read access to the vehicle signal Vehicle.Speed since the signal is marked as optional the application will work, even if the signal is not present in the system. Additionally, the application acts as a provider for the signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position meaning that it will take responsibility of reading/writing data directly to vehicle networks for the respective signal.

  • interface towards gRPC based on the seats.proto file. Since the direction is required a service client for the seats service will be generated who interacts with the Velocitas middleware.

  • interface towards the pubsub middleware and is reading to the topic sampleapp/getSpeed and writing the topics sampleapp/currentSpeed, sampleapp/getSpeed/response.

The example has no provided interfaces.


Describes all external properties and interfaces of a Vehicle Application.


Property Type Required Description
manifestVersion string Yes The version of the App Manifest.
name string Yes The name of the Vehicle Application.
interfaces object [] No Array of all provided or required functional interfaces.



Property Type Required Description
type string Yes The type of the functional interface.
config object No The configuration of the functional interface type. Content may vary between all types.


The configuration of the functional interface type. Content may vary between all types.

Refer to the JSON Schema of the current AppManifest here .


graph TD
    manifest --> manifestVersion[manifestVersion]
    manifest --> name[name]
    manifest -.-> interfaces[interfaces]

    interfaces -- "0..n" --> interfaces.item(object)
    interfaces.item --> interfaces.item.type[type]
    interfaces.item -.-> interfaces.item.config[config]

Functional interface types supported by Velocitas

Here is a list of functional interface types directly supported by the Velocitas toolchain and which Velocitas CLI packages are exposing the support:

Support for additional interface types may be added by providing a 3rd party CLI package .

Planned, but not yet available features

Some FIs are dependent on used classes, methods or literals in your Vehicle App’s source code. For example the vehicle-model FI requires you to list required or provided datapoints. At the moment, these attributes need to be filled manually. There are ideas to auto-generate these attributes by analyzing the source code, but nothing is planned for that, yet.

Further information

1 - Interfaces

Learn more about logical interfaces.

1.1 - Vehicle Signal Interface

The functional interface for providing vehicle signal access via VSS specification.
Providing CLI package Interface type-key
devenv-devcontainer-setup vehicle-signal-interface

The Vehicle Signal Interface formerly known as Vehicle Model interface type creates an interface to a signal interface described by the VSS spec. This interface will generate a source code package equivalent to the contents of your VSS JSON automatically upon devContainer creation.

If a Vehicle App requires a vehicle-signal-interface, it will act as a consumer of datapoints already available in the system. If, on the other hand, a Vehicle App provides a vehicle-signal-interface, it will act as a provider (formerly feeder in KUKSA terms) of the declared datapoints.

Furthermore, in the source code generated by this functional interface, a connection to KUKSA Databroker will be established via the configured Velocitas middleware. It uses the broker.proto if provided by the KUKSA Databroker to connect via gRPC. A seperate declaration of a grpc-interface for the databroker is NOT required.

More information: Vehicle Model Creation

Configuration structure

Attribute Type Example value Description
src string "" URI of the used COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification JSON export. URI may point to a local file or to a file provided by a server. 
unit_src string ["abs_path_unit_file_1", "abs_path_unit_file_2", "uri_unit_file_3"] An array of URI’s/absolute path’s of the used COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification unit file(s) in yaml format. URI may point to a local file or to a file provided by a server. If none is provided a default one will be used (
datapoints object Object containing both required and provided datapoints.
datapoints.required array Array of required datapoints.
datapoints.required.[].path string Vehicle.Speed Path of the VSS datapoint.
datapoints.required.[].optional boolean? true, false Is the datapoint optional, i.e. can the Vehicle App work without the datapoint being present in the system. Defaults to false.
datapoints.required.[].access string read, write What kind of access to the datapoint is needed by the application.
datapoints.provided array Array of provided datapoints.
datapoints.provided.[].path string Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position Path of the VSS datapoint.


    "type": "vehicle-signal-interface",
    "config": {
        "src": "",
        "datapoints": {
            "required": [
                    "path": "Vehicle.Speed",
                    "access": "read"
                    "path": "Vehicle.Body.Horn.IsActive",
                    "optional": true,
                    "access": "write"
            "provided": [
                    "path": "Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position"

Different VSS versions

The model generation is supported for VSS versions up to v4.0. There are some changes for some paths from v3.0 to v4.0. For example Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position in v3.0 is Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Position in v4.0. If you are using the mock provider you would need to take that into account when you sepcify your

1.2 - gRPC Service Interface

The functional interface for supporting remote procedure calls via gRPC.
Providing CLI package Interface type-key
devenv-devcontainer-setup grpc-interface


This interface type introduces a dependency to a gRPC service. It is used to generate either client stubs (in case your application requires the interface) or server stubs (in case your application provides the interface). The result of the generation is a language specific and package manager specific source code package, integrated with the Velocitas SDK core.

If a Vehicle App requires a grpc-interface - a client stub embedded into the Velocitas framework will be generated and added as a build-time dependency of your application. It enables you to access your service from your Vehicle App without any additional effort.

If a Vehicle App provides a grpc-interface - a server stub embedded into the Velocitas framework will be generated and added as a build-time dependency of your application. It enables you to quickly add the business logic of your application.

Configuration structure

Attribute Type Example value Description
src string "" URI of the used protobuf specification of the service. URI may point to a local file or to a file provided by a server. It is generally recommended that a stable proto file is used. I.e. one that is already released under a proper tag rather than an in-development proto file. 
required.methods array Array of service’s methods that are accessed by the application. In addition to access control the methods attribute may be used to determine backward or forward compatibility i.e. if semantics of a service’s interface did not change but methods were added or removed in a future version.
required.methods.[].name string "Move", "MoveComponent" Name of the method that the application would like to access
provided object {} Reserved object indicating that the interface is provided. Might be filled with further configuration values.


velocitas init or velocitas exec grpc-interface-support generate-sdk

Project configuration

  "type": "grpc-interface",
  "config": {
      "src": "",
      "required": {
        "methods": [
          "Move", "MoveComponent"
      "provided": { }

You need to specify devenv-devcontainer-setup >= v2.4.2 in your project configuration. Therefore your .veloitas.json should look similair to this example:

  "packages": {
    "devenv-devcontainer-setup": "v2.4.2"
  "components": [
      "id": "grpc-interface-support",

To do that you can run velocitas component add grpc-interface-support when your package is above or equal to v2.4.2

1.3 - Publish Subscribe

The functional interface for supporting communication via publish and subscribe.
Providing CLI package Interface type-key
devenv-runtimes pubsub


This interface type introduces a dependency to a publish and subscribe middleware. While this may change in the future due to new middlewares being adopted, at the moment this will always indicate a dependency to MQTT.

If a Vehicle App requires pubsub - this will influence the generated deployment specs to include a publish and subscribe broker (i.e. an MQTT broker).

If a Vehicle App provides pubsub - this will influence the generated deployment specs to include a publish and subscribe broker (i.e. an MQTT broker).

Configuration structure

Attribute Type Example value Description
reads array[string] [ "sampleapp/getSpeed" ] Array of topics which are read by the application.
writes array[string] [ "sampleapp/currentSpeed", "sampleapp/getSpeed/response" ] Array of topics which are written by the application.


  "type": "pubsub",
  "config": {
    "reads":  [ "sampleapp/getSpeed" ],
    "writes": [ "sampleapp/currentSpeed", "sampleapp/getSpeed/response" ]