Vehicle Signal Interface

The functional interface for providing vehicle signal access via VSS specification.
Providing CLI package Interface type-key
devenv-devcontainer-setup vehicle-signal-interface

The Vehicle Signal Interface formerly known as Vehicle Model interface type creates an interface to a signal interface described by the VSS spec. This interface will generate a source code package equivalent to the contents of your VSS JSON automatically upon devContainer creation.

If a Vehicle App requires a vehicle-signal-interface, it will act as a consumer of datapoints already available in the system. If, on the other hand, a Vehicle App provides a vehicle-signal-interface, it will act as a provider (formerly feeder in KUKSA terms) of the declared datapoints.

Furthermore, in the source code generated by this functional interface, a connection to KUKSA Databroker will be established via the configured Velocitas middleware. It uses the broker.proto if provided by the KUKSA Databroker to connect via gRPC. A seperate declaration of a grpc-interface for the databroker is NOT required.

More information: Vehicle Model Creation

Configuration structure

Attribute Type Example value Description
src string "" URI of the used COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification JSON export. URI may point to a local file or to a file provided by a server. 
unit_src string ["abs_path_unit_file_1", "abs_path_unit_file_2", "uri_unit_file_3"] An array of URI’s/absolute path’s of the used COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification unit file(s) in yaml format. URI may point to a local file or to a file provided by a server. If none is provided a default one will be used (
datapoints object Object containing both required and provided datapoints.
datapoints.required array Array of required datapoints.
datapoints.required.[].path string Vehicle.Speed Path of the VSS datapoint.
datapoints.required.[].optional boolean? true, false Is the datapoint optional, i.e. can the Vehicle App work without the datapoint being present in the system. Defaults to false.
datapoints.required.[].access string read, write What kind of access to the datapoint is needed by the application.
datapoints.provided array Array of provided datapoints.
datapoints.provided.[].path string Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position Path of the VSS datapoint.


    "type": "vehicle-signal-interface",
    "config": {
        "src": "",
        "datapoints": {
            "required": [
                    "path": "Vehicle.Speed",
                    "access": "read"
                    "path": "Vehicle.Body.Horn.IsActive",
                    "optional": true,
                    "access": "write"
            "provided": [
                    "path": "Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position"

Different VSS versions

The model generation is supported for VSS versions up to v4.0. There are some changes for some paths from v3.0 to v4.0. For example Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position in v3.0 is Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.DriverSide.Position in v4.0. If you are using the mock provider you would need to take that into account when you sepcify your

Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)