
Learn how to use velocitas packages.


After you have set up the .velocitas.json for your project configuration , using packages is pretty straight forward.

Currently, the packages provided by the Velocitas team are the following:

name description
devenv-runtimes Containing scripts and configuration for Local and Kanto Runtime Services
devenv-devcontainer-setup Basic configuration for the devcontainer, like proxy configuration, post create scripts, entry points for the lifecycle management.
devenv-github-workflows Containing github workflow files used by velocitas repositories
devenv-github-templates Containing github templates used by velocitas repositories
devenv-runtime-local Central configuration for local runtime execution (deprecated)
devenv-runtime-k3d Central configuration for k3d runtime execution (deprecated)

To see how these provided packages are used inside a .velocitas.json you can use the Python template repository as a reference.


The Velocitas CLI - acting as a package manager for Vehicle App repositories - is installed inside our devcontainer-base-images .
After creation of a devcontainer a postCreateCommand is configured to be executed which runs:

  • velocitas init which will initialize all packages referenced in your .velocitas.json. That means, it will download them and run their respective onPostInit programs, if any. (e.g, automated model generation )
  • velocitas sync to sync files provided by some packages.

Check the section about our Velocitas CLI to learn more about the background and usage of it.

Velocitas Home Directory

The packages will be downloaded by the Velocitas CLI to ~/.velocitas/packages/<package_name>. More Information: VELOCITAS_HOME .

Next steps

Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)