Import examples

Learn how to import examples provided by the Vehicle App SDK.

This guide will help you to import examples provided by the SDK package into your template repository.

A Visual Studio Code task called Import example app from SDK is available in the /.vscode/tasks.json which can replace your /app directory in your template repository with some example Vehicle Apps from the SDK package.

  1. Press F1
  2. Select command Tasks: Run Task
  3. Select Import example app from SDK
  4. Choose Continue without scanning the output
  5. Select seat-adjuster

Run the Vehicle App from SDK example

The launch settings are already prepared for the VehicleApp in the template repository /.vscode/launch.json. The configuration is meant to be as generic as possible to make it possible to run all provided example apps.

Every example app comes with its own /app/AppManifest.json to see which Vehicle Services are configured and needed as a dependency.

To start the app: Just press F5 to start a debug session of the example Vehicle App.

To debug example, please check How to debug Vehicle App?

Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)