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Dali Java Persistence Tools User Guide
Release 3.2
Release 3.2
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Creating a new JPA project
Creating Database Web Services from Builder XML

Creating a new JAXB project

Use this procedure to create a new JPA project.

  1. From the Navigator or Project Explorer, select File > New > Project. The Select a wizard dialog appears.


    You can also select the JPA perspective and then select File > New > JAXB Project.

    Figure 3-5 Selecting the Create a JAXB Project wizard

    The Select a Wizard dialog with JPA project selected.
  2. Select JAXB Project and then click Next. The New JAXB Project page appears.

    Figure 3-6 The JAXB Project Page

    The JPA Project page of the Create a JPA Project wizard.
  3. Complete the fields on the New JAXB Project page to specify the project name and location, target runtime, and pre-defined configuration.


    The Target runtime is not required for Java SE development.

  4. Click Next. The Java source page appears.

    Figure 3-7 The Java Source Page

    The JPA Facet page of the Create a JPA Project wizard.
  5. Click Add Folder to add existing Java source files to the project.

  6. Click Next. JAXB Facet page appears.

    Figure 3-8 The JAXB Facet Page

    The JPA Facet page of the Create a JPA Project wizard.
  7. Complete the fields on the JAXB Facet page to specify your vender-specific platform, JPA implementation library, and database connection.

    Click Manage libraries to create or update your JPA user libraries. Click Download libraries to obtain additional JPA implementation libraries.


    Depending on your JAXB implementation (for example, Generic or EclipseLink), different options may be available when creating JAXB projects.

  8. Click Finish. Dali creates the new JAXB project.

    You should now open the JPA Development perspective.

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